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Can the Mainstream Media Silence the Internet?

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posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 10:50 AM
This topic has been in the back of my mind for a while, and tonight something triggered it to the forefront.

My question is: can the mainstream media effectively silence the freedom of the internet?

Last night's O’Reilly Factor had Bill decrying the freedom of the internet, once again. He says that the internet gives socially reprehensible groups such as pedophiles an avenue to spread their sick views, and provides them with support groups from like-minded people. Something they never had in the past, and it works to make their actions less reprehensible and more socially acceptable.

I say “once again", because in the past, he has decried the effect of the “blogs” on political elections.

Now what he says is absolutely true. Twenty five years ago, a pedophile had to live his/her life in the solitary agony of their own mind. Now, with the click of a button, they can be connected with others that think the same way. The fear is that, because of the internet capability, their behavior will become viewed as “more normal” than it ever was before.

My fear is that attitudes like this might possibly spur knee-jerk legislation to stifle the freedom we enjoy on the net. I am not advocating any socially reprehensible groups here. I am worried about the possibility of losing the wonderful freedom we now enjoy on the internet. It would be easy to point out the slippery slope that any legislation would initiate. What would be next on the list to stifle? The first amendment?

To his credit, O’Reilly has done some great advocacy work in the past, such as exposing incompetent judges and promoting the passage of Jessica’s Law. But he has a very strong view against the unbridled freedom of the internet, and he has a lot of viewers.

Am I alone in this thinking, or do others see the potential danger here?

Here's a pointer to a summary of the talking points and the accompanying video:


posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 11:01 AM
yep sooner or later they will address all this porn stuff and paedo stuff on the internet.
they will just use it to regulate everything, so free speech will go as well.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 11:18 AM
I bet thanks to the internet police have located and arrested more pedophiles than ever before. In other words thanks to the net these sickos have come out of hiding, allowing the authorities to get them.

Maybe O'Reilly just prefers that pervs use the phone instead like the old days.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Umbrax
I bet thanks to the internet police have located and arrested more pedophiles than ever before. In other words thanks to the net these sickos have come out of hiding, allowing the authorities to get them.

Maybe O'Reilly just prefers that pervs use the phone instead like the old days.

i am not sure that is a great argument. paedos will be paedos no matter what. of course you have your high class paedos that never get caught. i remember the fbi a few years ago found alot of paedos in the police force in england, but it was quickly hussed up.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 11:26 AM
I'm sure they would love to strip it down to only being able to view media, advertisements, and government sites. I believe they have the power to do so but no sane elected figure would not risk his career.

[edit on 2-6-2006 by Ekilo]

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 11:28 AM
I have to agree with Umbrax here. There is a cop in this neck of the woods from a little hick town who regularly busts pervs that solicit kiddies over the internet.

Give them the rope to hang themselves. Don't use that rope to tie up our hands which are still free.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 12:28 PM
Can the Mainstream Media Silence the Internet?

Not in my opinion. I think Mainstream Media will embrace the internet even further over time. And so will the non Mainstream Media site(s). The debate that rages today regarding internet content will still be raging 100yrs from now. Just on a grander scale due technological advances.

Sure you will still be able to grab the newspaper as you rush to work or have a coffee, but it will be made from ultra thin plastic and have a browser so you can read what you want...and what connects this device to the world? WiFi Internet.

As far as 'over 18' porn is concerned i think very strict regulations will come into place in the future.

Umbrax made a very good point regarding pedophiles on the internet.

originally posted by Umbrax
I bet thanks to the internet police have located and arrested more pedophiles than ever before. In other words thanks to the net these sickos have come out of hiding, allowing the authorities to get them.

If these SCUM are 'blocked' from the internet they will just use the same tactics as they used before the internet. They keep thinking up new ideas to get through to each other via their online networks, but at the same time so are the authorities.



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