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Another reason "aliens" may be from the future

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posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 01:31 AM
Basically because almost all accounts of alien encounters people say that aliens have a face. Two eyes, nose, and a mouth. This is a very unique feature of life on this planet that evolved from a common relative way back when. And though we can only postulate about life on other planets it is highly improbably that an evolutionary tract of aliens would have yielded such similarities where even on earth creatures are incredibly diverse.

[edit on 2-6-2006 by Distortion]

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 01:42 AM
How can you say it is a very unique feature of life for this planet only if we don't know about intelligent life on other planets? Two eyes, nose, and a mouth would seem to be the most practical features on an intelligent creature; therefore one would assume there would be a lot of these intelligent creatures with them. It's possible that these features are what make us as intelligent as we are, because they help us judge our surroundings a lot better than if we didn't have them. Therefore another theory could come forward. The theory that only the intelligent life forms have visited as, and they are intelligent because they have the right features to cope and progress through their life.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Nventual
How can you say it is a very unique feature of life for this planet only if we don't know about intelligent life on other planets? Two eyes, nose, and a mouth would seem to be the most practical features on an intelligent creature; therefore one would assume there would be a lot of these intelligent creatures with them. It's possible that these features are what make us as intelligent as we are, because they help us judge our surroundings a lot better than if we didn't have them. Therefore another theory could come forward. The theory that only the intelligent life forms have visited as, and they are intelligent because they have the right features to cope and progress through their life.

because life adapts to its surroundings and evolves to fit its situation. With the astronomical amount of potential life supporting systems out there to say that life needed to evolve along the exact same lines to produce such similar looking life forms is a bit absurd IMO unless they were related. I'm not saying I believe this 100% but its definitely something to wrap your mind around.


posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by Distortion
Basically because almost all accounts of alien encounters people say that aliens have a face. Two eyes, nose, and a mouth. This is a very unique feature of life on this planet that evolved from a common relative way back when. And though we can only postulate about life on other planets it is highly improbably that an evolutionary tract of aliens would have yielded such similarities where even on earth creatures are incredibly diverse.

[edit on 2-6-2006 by Distortion]

Is it a very unique feature to have a face? -
What are you really trying to say? Even an Lion has a face. All creatures have a face..Some eyes, some ears...
This is a funny post...

There is somehow always a Yin and Yan in this world. Maybe you should go figure that out - it's really amazing what you come up with - by finding out some other truth than faces...Wich are infact just a result of something bigger and smaller than anything.

Ask yourself - why do we have a face?
That is the way to understanding... 'Instead of assuming stuff...

But the fact that you wrote that aliens come from future... Is mindblowing. That mean you know there are little spaceships, and big ones, flying about the skies. Maybe you have even seen one yourself.

Maybe your idea is that the big eyed creatures we see pictured everywhere possible, originally was a human race. But somehow they changed shape - and color...
That is one way of understanding this. That is the way Darwin told people - and wrote about. That is a sort of evolution. But. Isn't it just completly weird?

If they are in flesh and blood - How can they come from future?. You know, that is a very mixed signal to write about. Maybe these aliens - or some of them, can forsee the future. Now that, would make sense, in a sensless way.

What i think - apparently the humans are so predictable, that offcourse they can forsee our future, cause the way we live now - is in-human. But assume that they directly come from the future holds many aspects - atleast i can see 2.

the third one is just a blurred fantasy. /lol*

Offcourse they come from another planet. You know when we see these video's of flying balls - machines..what ever kinda shape they might have - Did it ever get your attention - that before the video was shoot - that thing on the video, came from another planet?

It's like - when you go to a shopping center, or just look at our roads we have here on earth. You see a random car, and lets just imagine it just came from a nearby city. you know it's really logic.

And when we see a spaceship - it's really logic that it should come from the atmosfere - and presumeable before it appeared in the atmosfere, it must have come from the emty space around our planet. And before it came to the emty space around our planet - it must have traveled on some road out-there - in lack of words, i would call it a road to another planet. Just like the road to the local shopping mall.
Maybe that Road in the emty space leads to another planet, so yes... They come from another planet. Far more advanced in many aspects of life than this place are at the moment.

They don't come from the future, i believe they are proberly just able to forsee our future cause we live a very primitive way compared to theire style and/of facion.
Offcourse there is the possiblility that the ships of light we see pictured and video recorded on the WEB - also can be some secret stuff that...Someone made somewhere in a hangar underground facility.

One more thing is - if they are from the future - they must have been in a no-time zone. And that is weird. But maybe it's possible - but then they would have to die, or become invisible - like a magic trick. To go from Point A to C. Cause we are at point B. But why the heck would they do that!? That is such a stupid thing to do unless you want to win the lottery offcourse

And the idea of faces and eyes - well, look up in the book of elctricity, and about every aspect of life have a minus and plus pole. It's all over the universe, or what we call the known universe.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 03:39 AM
Ram, Just because they come from outer space doesn't arbitrarily mean they're not human, they could be from a future human colony somewhere far away.

Also im just trying to present information for you to think about, perhaps I should have added a question mark to the title.

About a lion having a face too, you're only proving my point more, lions and all sorts of animals with generic faces stem from a common earth lifeform, so how can aliens look so similar. It's a bit narrow minded that we assume in all of the universes diverseness that EBE's would look even remotely similar to us, you have to concieve the idea that scientifically its not probably.... does this mean it can't happen? No.

But dont take my word for it, I watched this special on NOVA today where they brought this topic up.

JACK COHEN (University of Warwick, UK): When we look at these aliens, and they've got faces with two eyes and a nose and a mouth, they can't be aliens. They must have developed on Earth. They must share that same ancestor, or they wouldn't have faces like that.

Jack Cohen

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 04:17 AM
Assuming that other life forms are also carbon based (like we are), and that is a VERY big assumption, based on our highly limited knowledge of other possiblt species otuside of our solar system, it would stand to reason that two eyes (over the known alternative of one) would be part of natural evolution (stereoscopic vision is key to the Human Race's success as a lifeform). Additionally, some sort of nose and mouth would also be logical, given the needs for scent senses, as well as a means to eat (and thus power the body). Assuming a lifeform develops on a similar planet, with a similar advancement rate, it's logical to assume that these lifeforms would develop with similar facial features.

Now, given that we know nothing of lifeforms outside of this planet, save a few theories based on rocks found on (or from) Mars, we really have no proof that other carbon-based life exists outside of this planet. Logically, we can assume such, but factually, we really don't know.

Given that the perceptions that any scientist (or even the entire community) can get from current sudies of the Earth or other planets (even with samples sent back), we are still only able to negotiate the possible life within our solar system. Our scientists, combined, and as a whole, still probably only know 1-2% of everything that's out there. That leaves 98% of all knowledge, at the least, within the realm of the unknown.

I do not agree nor disagree with the author of this article, Distortion. However, knowing how little we actually know about "life, the universe, and everything," it stands to reason that we can't accurately describe other lifeforms out there. Logically, if they're carbon based, like us, they'd have developed much like us. On the other hand, if it's a lifeform that has a different basis for existance - sillicon, calcium, or other, then it's quite possible that the lifeform would be truly alien to us.

Science Fisction often later predicts Science Fact. In that regard, we may eventually meet species similar to those is Star Trek or Star Wars. More likely, however, we'll see the technology outlined in those series, rather than the alien races. There's nothing in current Earth-bound science fact that can really determine the makeup or appearance of alien species.

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Distortion
And though we can only postulate about life on other planets it is highly improbably that an evolutionary tract of aliens would have yielded such similarities where even on earth creatures are incredibly diverse.

Hold on there, life may be diverse here on Earth, but take a fish, it as 2 eyes a nose and a mouth at the front of the body. So does a bird, a snake, a bear even things like crabs have thier mouths and eyes (2 of them) at the front.

Not so diverse it seems!

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Mcphisto

Originally posted by Distortion
And though we can only postulate about life on other planets it is highly improbably that an evolutionary tract of aliens would have yielded such similarities where even on earth creatures are incredibly diverse.

Hold on there, life may be diverse here on Earth, but take a fish, it as 2 eyes a nose and a mouth at the front of the body. So does a bird, a snake, a bear even things like crabs have thier mouths and eyes (2 of them) at the front.

Not so diverse it seems!

Two eyes make determining distance a little easier, that's true. So there are some evolutionary advantages to that. But that certainly wouldn't logically translate into making it a requirement for aliens. Actually, on this planet, the majority of creatures have at least six legs and an exoskeleton. Compound eyes are pretty popular, too. If our planet hadn't undergone a series of catastrophes (or natural events) that periodically wiped out most of the life, we could have just as easily evolved into something that looked like a trilobite or something.

As for "aliens" being from the future, there are more compelling reasons for that besides looks. In a couple hundred years, with genetic manipulation and all, human people will be able choose to have any kind of body configuration they like, including colorful butterfly wings and tentacles and feathers and bug-eyes, or whatever.


posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Distortion
Ram, Just because they come from outer space doesn't arbitrarily mean they're not human, they could be from a future human colony somewhere far away.

But what do you mean about a future human colony?

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Ram

Originally posted by Distortion
Ram, Just because they come from outer space doesn't arbitrarily mean they're not human, they could be from a future human colony somewhere far away.

But what do you mean about a future human colony?

Look at it this way. Space and time are just two ways of looking at the same thing when you're talking about motion. You can figure out how far away something is either by using a system of linear measurement, or you can say it's a certain time away, based on a standard unit of speed, which happens to be the speed of light. Actually, any time you travel, you're moving in both space and time.

If, by some quirk of nature, there is some tricky technical way to bypass the speed of light, you could go anywhere and anytime you want to. So a thousand years from now, you fly off to Zeta Reticuli II, and establish a colony, maybe you even make some genetic modifications to adjust to the lower gravity. Then, because you can go faster than light, you fly back into Earth's past by going to the point in spacetime it occupied 1,000 years before you went to ZRII.

This means that all aliens could be either the ancestors or descendants of today's humans. Even the bug-eyed monsters might be some of our descendants who have been genetically modified to fly or live better in space. Or they could be intelligent machines we humans have built and sent back through time to record missing history.

Which also might be a reason why they keep such a low profile. You probably don't want to mess too much with your own past, because you might mess up your own existence in the future.


posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 04:34 PM
That is some theory.
So really it is about, win the lottery.

I can't believe in those space time theories...And i never did, even though people tried to tell me how it works - i just can't belive it. I think Einstein was wrong - so that leaves me out of this thread..

posted on Jun, 2 2006 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Ram
That is some theory.
So really it is about, win the lottery.

I can't believe in those space time theories...And i never did, even though people tried to tell me how it works - i just can't belive it. I think Einstein was wrong - so that leaves me out of this thread..

There are certain aspects of mathematics that make it problematic to apply to the real world. Like that old video game "Asteroids." Because of the mathematics, when the little space ship zooms off the edge of the screen, it reappears on the other side, because the mathematics has the space curving back in on itself. It's doubtful that the real universe acts that way, but you never know. Experiment after experiment show that Einstein was right a lot more than he was wrong.

But the technical aspects of it don't really matter. Either it happens or it doesn't. The general point is that the universe may be crawling with all kinds of intelligent life, and it could have all come from right here, because once you can figure out a way to bypass space, or travel faster than light, the whole notion of "cause-and-effect" doesn't matter anymore. Everywhere you go, it could be "now," and there is no such thing as a past or future. So human beings from the future could have seeded this planet with bacteria by traveling relatively back into the past 4 billion years.

Nothing every really becomes extinct, because it still exists somewhere in time. Everybody is immortal. Everybody and everything is everywhere at the same time.

Again, it sounds like there might be a problem with the math somewhere to get this result.


posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by Enkidu
Experiment after experiment show that Einstein was right a lot more than he was wrong.

Uhm - it's quiet interresting.
Would that mean that when we sit in our spacecraft. And start flying..We accelerate the craft. And when we reach that speed - of light speed or better, above light speed - our craft sort of leaves this world?

That would mean that we could fly through planets and Astroids. And enter another kinda universe where our spaceship would not likely be of metal as we know it. That i can believe! i do think that is possible - Then it would not really matter if we flew to another starsystem - we could actually just stay at same place just flying faster than light, that would make our spacecraft invisible -

We could set our spaceship to a rumble mode. only move about 1 micrometer. like those Machines that dry our cloth..A dry-rumbler i think it's called in english..But the Rumble-mode would move faster than light.

hmm.. I think - that is a question of beound life... If you have ever tried to faint. We sorta enter a timeless zone - but we are still here, wich makes me think that we are now entering an area of astral projection stuff, i didn't know Einstein was that kinda guy. So what they are telling us means there is life after death after many calculations?

So the thing that Einstein could have come up with is that our bodies would renew itself if we enter that zone above top lightspeed. Cause time is measure by old age - our bodies gets old - trees dies, and everything is in a constant cycle of life and death...
Cause if we imagine that the spacecrafts metals is not really metal if we fly that fast - and it sorta disolves itself away from this world/universe - what would happend to our human flesh? If we are spirits - you know - that is the theory. When we slow down our spacecraft - we would again enter this world - but maybe our flesh would have to regenerate, and by that - we/flesh would shape after our spirits -that we are young in mind - so must the flesh again become young.

That would mean that Jesus could return and stuff.

I can't sign those papers. I have have a contract with death...

[edit on 3-6-2006 by Ram]

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 12:00 PM
"How can you say it is a very unique feature of life for this planet only if we don't know about intelligent life on other planets? Two eyes, nose, and a mouth would seem to be the most practical features on an intelligent creature; therefore one would assume there would be a lot of these intelligent creatures with them. It's possible that these features are what make us as intelligent as we are, because they help us judge our surroundings a lot better than if we didn't have them. Therefore another theory could come forward. The theory that only the intelligent life forms have visited as, and they are intelligent because they have the right features to cope and progress through their life."

Evolution is like genetic fluking look at how many different forms of life on earth differ from land dwellers jelly fish for example.

When we evolved it was over a series of leaps and bound meaning that our design was not set. When you look at life on our planet reptiles, mammals and just about every other land animal and some ocean life contain manay of the same characteristics like nose, eyes, organs and limbs etc. Darwins theory of evolution is the truth....

Evolution works for the reason that we do share a lot of the same characteristics as oth animals here on earth. Science also dictates that life on other worlds would have to be equally diverse. Recently they found a cave that has remained in the dark for million of years and all the creatures inside evolved past eye sight. They evolve to their situation. Aliens are no different and since it is almost a guarentee you will not find a planet exactly like Earth then that dictates that life must be different.

One can conclude that by looking at out own planets evolution and seeing how life evolved that it must be he same. That is a very foolish assumtion extrasolar life is incomprehensable since we have found none yet. But the images of your typical grey alien have been prooven to have originated in hollywood and ther sci-fi sources like books and television.

For all we know aliens could look like spiders or have no need to breathe gasses like humans do. Also life on earth genetically is 99% the same as the next this is what defines most of our features while things like appearence responsible due to th small variations in genetic code.

I conclude life on an alien planet could not even be predicted by the best minds and science is on my side for that one.

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