posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 08:35 AM
Apearently the Trilateral Commission is a group of very powerful people.
"The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by private citizens of Japan, Europe (European Union countries), and North America (United States and
Canada) to foster closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the
wider international system. Originally established for three years, our work has been renewed for successive triennia (three-year periods), most
recently for a triennium to be completed in 2006."
this insignia is supose to represent the three regions in which the group is comprised of. what i think it could be is the foreknowledge of the
electrogravitational technology we have been perfecting over all this time. zero-point technology that allows for the transfer into free sustainable
energy. its simple, the electromagnetic radiation from three photons (light waves) converge onto a point along each axis of space-time and create
negative energy, which causes superluminal velocity(faster then light travel). you can see here what i am talking about.
so i guess this has been the plan of the NEW WORLD ORDER all along, work among the elite money holders of the leading corperations all over the world.
so as to coincide shifts in lucrative technological assets. flowing together the tides of power will strengthen the interconnecting economies binding
our governments together. the importance of this ensured state of economic optimum is resting on the phase that advanced technology be integrated
[edit on 1-6-2006 by sturod84]