posted on May, 31 2006 @ 04:39 PM
I was wondering if anyone out there really believes the whole paul is dead thing. I got into researching it sometime back on the net, and while some
of it is just downright lame and ignorant, alot of it is actually very intriguing. If you have not done so, i would recommend typing "paul is dead"
into google and browsing for a while. I'm not very easily creeped out, but i have to say that for some reason once it got dark, and my research went
into the wee hours i started getting a few little chills. I would have to say I'm of the "Paul is alive" and making mediocre music camp, but i was
interested to see if anyone out there truely believes the opposite.
Turn me on dead man, you were in a car crash and you lost your hair.