posted on Oct, 27 2002 @ 09:01 AM
because after the horror of being Jimmy's VP, the humiliation of being demolished 525-13 by reagan and the ignominy of being Clinton's stooge in
Indonesia: you'd have thought Fritz had had enough.
The fact that he's a fairly Orthodox Jew and a friend of Israel (unlike Wellstone -a liberal Jew and no friend of Israel: hence, teh support for the
Republican Coleman -another Jew, by the RJC) won't hurt him and may be seen as balancing the books after Wellstone stood out against Bush, and the
Dem's party line, recently.
Mind you it didn't really help him in the Ferraro days.
There's something rotten in the state of Minnesota (forgive me, O ghost of Shakespeare), Bob; but I'm not getting a clear picture yet.