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The Penn and teller hoax

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posted on May, 30 2006 @ 05:06 PM
Hey everyone

In light of the sonoma footage coming out as a hoax produced by Penn & teller for their show "BULLS**T" i thought i would start a new thread by offering the full episode in high quality for download. If your at all interested in how easily something can be hoaxed, and the ripple reaction to it, then please use this thread to download and discuss. I think in light of the recent hoaxers on this site in the last week it's an interesting study on the subject, even though I think the show it comes from is completely devoid of any sensitivity or class. the video was originaly brought to light on this thread: and i for one was certainly intrigued. Now we have a chance to see where it all came from and where it all ended up, here:

you will need divx stuff, and a bit of patience...


[edit on 30-5-2006 by tasteslikethunder]

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 06:29 PM

Is it just a coincidence that I posted the P&T show yesterday in THIS thread?

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 06:41 PM
first off, i'm starting this thread to discuss the hoax angle as a seperate topic entirely, and second (no offence here) but you offered three seperate files in .rar format that i personally could not get to work. i commend you for offering them, but my link is much more user friendly, and a wee bit less frustrating.

didnt mean to steal your thunder! (tasteslike)


posted on May, 30 2006 @ 06:48 PM
I don't like Penn & Teller. I've only seen a few of their "debunkings" but they make fun of anyone who thinks something wierd happened.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 07:25 PM

I have no thunder to steal, so no problem. I actually watched P&T from the links I posted, so they're not "mine" per se... just happened to be where I got them.

There should have been no problem in extracting files - it's always a good idea to use WinRAR and not another archiver when dealing with RAR files. Agreed that a one-file direct download is preferable.


I've only seen a few of their "debunkings" but they make fun of anyone who thinks something wierd happened.

Here in the US, we call it "comedy."

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 01:23 AM
Just watched the video - CLASSIC.
Thanks for making my day.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by tasteslikethunder

you will need divx stuff, and a bit of patience...

Damn. is down at the moment. It went down as I was downloading the file (Right at 79%). Maybe their little server isn't used to the amount of traffic directed by ATS?

So we wait. Patience Gem, patience!

Edit: It's back up again.

[edit on 31-5-2006 by Gemwolf]


posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 08:26 AM
I think it's important to say virtually none of the people who thought it was authentic or possibly authentic, were willing to accept it without further evidence being released by the cameraman. The people contacting him "Asshat 1" & "Ashat A" were both emphasising that the original recording would have to be examined and that would include what happened before and after the event.

All that Penn & Teller have proved is that there are a lot of people out here who rather than just saying "that's fake" are actually willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt. I think that's a good thing, don't you?

posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 02:23 AM
I haven't downloaded your Penn & Teller, but I have watched the episode along
with all the others they have come out with. I think that in the Cryptozoology episode they brought to life that there are alot of people out there that are willing to tell you and anyone else anything they would like to hear. There are many people out there that claim to be "experts" and claim that they can make themselves or any one else large amounts of money over nothing and no actual training. It's hard to be an expert in a type of animal, or monster, if no one has actually captured one. I think that Penn & Teller shows are a good thing because they bring to light that there are many people out there that are full of bulls***, hince the name of the show. Don't believe in something because someone else says it's true, believe in something because you have faith that it truly exist. And be open minded to fact that maybe it doesn't.


posted on Jun, 8 2006 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by JocosaDon't believe in something because someone else says it's true, believe in something because you have faith that it truly exist. And be open minded to fact that maybe it doesn't.

And as I said above they didn't prove anything with their faked video except people are willing to give the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time MOST of us require further evidence on top of the short clips that get posted on the internet. And in that way we sort out the fakes from the possibly real deal. The one thing that was constant about the Penn and Teller fake was the guy was unwilling to do anything further to prove his case.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 12:44 PM
well i for one am not ashamed to say when i first saw the sonoma footage, i was intrigued. why not? there was nothing there that absolutely screamed fake. and thats where penn and teller show there real colors because while they are obviously laughing and pointing there stinky little fingers at us, they were also not brave enough to create footage that would absolutely divide people into the gullible and the smart. they gave us quick blury footage, they hid behind something that was to vague to form any definite opinion, and then they came out shooting. I once new this guy who had a great poker face and could say anything and eventually you would believe it because he insisted it was true as long as it took to convince you. and it wasnt like he was saying stuff like "hey i like to incubate tadpoles in my bum" or anything it was like " hey they want to fire you" or something like that. and you would laugh for a bit and brush it off, and tell him he was full of it, but after a while you really had no choice but to believe him because he insisted with such a straight face that it was true. then he would start laughing, calling you gullible. holy mother of jeebus that was annoying.

it's kinda like that.



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