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(submission) Whistleblower Rights Trimmed Down

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posted on May, 30 2006 @ 04:43 PM
The Supreme Court today voted to scale back the protections of Government Whistleblowers. In a Vote of 5-4 decision with newly appointed Justice Alito casting the deciding vote.
The Supreme Court scaled back protections for government workers who blow the whistle on official misconduct Tuesday, a 5-4 decision in which new Justice Samuel Alito cast the deciding vote.

In a victory for the Bush administration, justices said the 20 million public employees do not have free-speech protections for what they say as part of their jobs.

Critics predicted the impact would be sweeping, from silencing police officers who fear retribution for reporting department corruption, to subduing federal employees who want to reveal problems with government hurricane preparedness or terrorist-related security.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I sincerely believe this is a great step backwards for us. The damage that will occur from a step like this will be great. In a time where corruption in the government is high in all levels local,city,state and national, this basically is a slap in the face to the American Citizen. Will there be a turning back once this administrations term has ended?

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 04:52 PM

sorry i already have an ATSNN article up on this.

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