posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 02:02 PM
Hello Ranchman and Welcome.
The most important thing in studying any UFO/Alien related phenomenon is to first get documentation and also, to rule out mundane things. Most UFO
related siting and medical conditions have normal explainations. However, there are some that dont. So here is what you do.
Have your folks take you to the doctor for a full physical. Explain to your doctor the symptoms. Dont mention UFOs or aliens. Just have the doctor do
full bloodwork and everything. That way, they can find if there is indeed something anomolous, or, if you do have a medical condition that is
explainable, you can get treated.
Next, see a mental health professional. Now, Im not saying this because I think you are crazy. This is simply a further step in ruling things out and
getting documentation. Tell the mental health professional about any sleep disturbances or other anomalies. be honest with him. Im not sure if you
should tell him about UFOs or not. Thats up to you. But seeing a mental health professional can either help you identify a mental problem that might
be causing some of these things, or he/she can rule out mental problems to show you are indeed mentally healthy and are not hallucinating.
After ruling out physical or mental illness as possible answers, keep all your documentation and test results in a safe place. Someday in the future
you might need them. If the tests show that you are physically and mentally healthy, or the physical tests show something very odd that cannot be
easily explained by modern science, this will go a long way in your search for the truth.
Do your parents have a camera? Would they let you use it? Even if you cannot take pics of the UFOs, you could take some of any marks or leisions next
time you develop them.
For what its worth, the only symptom of alien abduction I see here is your statement that your nose bleeds after you see UFOs. This is reported by
many abductees, as this is one of the places it is believed that aliens insert their implants.
However, don't jump to conclusions. It is more likely that your problems are caused by something normal and earthly. Id check to make sure you are in
good health and look for more earthly/mundane answers than suspecting alien involvement.
It is good you have shared your situation on this board. However, we really dont have enough information in the form of medical tests and photos to
really give you better insight. If you want more help, please provide us with pictures and results so we can discuss it better.
Otherwise, from what you have described, it sounds like something more mundane and typical to a person in their teenage years. I honestly doubt E.T.s
are involved with your physical conditions. I have had similar problems like bleeding noses and memory loss during my own teenage years, and have
learned its quite common to people that age group.