posted on May, 30 2006 @ 10:06 AM
I still haven't been able to find the F-16 video I mentioned. This is the only place I was able to find it and the link was broken
You can see two pictures from the video I mentioned here though.
According to the pilots this craft did some amazing maneuvers " pilots claimed that the UFO dove from 2,000 meters (7,000 ft) to 00, indicating that
it was below the 200 meter limit on the radar. This occurred in 1 second"
In another part of the chase they claimed the object "speeded up from an initial velocity of 280 KPH to 1,800 KPH, while descending from 3,000 meters
to 1,700 meters." once again in about a second time.
That impressive speeds at such a low altitude. If correct these acceleration and movements would suggest G forces in about the 40 G range
would mean the craft could have been a UAV which in theory could be made to have much higher G force tolerance then any human pilot.
There's really only two countries that it could have made such a craft in 1990 the US and USSR. Now it just might be a Coincidence but 1990 was the
same year the SR-71 was officially retired in 1990 to cut costs and because we are told advancements in satellite reconnaissance. Now if that's
really true and satellite can do so much why are we still flying the U2 for that reason and created the Global Hawk for that same role???
I'm not buying a plane that was a close to invincible as any aircraft ever made was just retired so Older U2 and easier to shoot down Global hawks
took its place. This black triangle could very well have been the SR-71s replacement.