posted on May, 24 2006 @ 05:16 AM
The JW's are not in the NWO or promoting it through their organisation.
The 'One world govement' that the leafet refers to hi that of God's Kingdom, headed of course by Christ.
They believe that Christs Kingdom will come to power after he has destroyed unfaithful people, including ALL forms of man made goverment.
They do refer or imply that a one world goverment of sorts will come to power before the end (Through the United Nations - AKA the wild beast that is
given all authority & power), however they do not promote or sponser this idea as anything other than a satanic expression of satans defiance.
In fact they expect to be against this goverment & persecuted before by the empowered UN.
The UN or one world goverment, they believe is created in direct oppostion to God's kingdom.
Of course they believe that this man made opposition will be destroyed at amargedon & that afterwards those who survive & those resurected to life on
earth will have the opportunity to live in peace under God's kingdom with no man made govermenst whatsoever.