posted on May, 23 2006 @ 09:25 AM
jc2007, could you re-post the information, location, etc. about the Hinton Triangle? Do you knowanything else about tharea, old stories, articles,
Two regions to consider:
The area framed by Salem and West Union, say a
circle around Flint.
West of Beckley, in and around
Newfound and
These are areas the NRO and/or CIA were interested in back in the 60s (some of the few 1-meter spy photos they took around the Appalachians).
Repeating my comments from the other thread, 'cause I think they bear repeating, an abandoned mine would make a perfect clandestine base (and from
what I see, there are plenty there to choose from): lots of earthworks already, so the eyes in the sky won't see anything out of the ordinary, lots
of heavy machinery left lying around, etc. If you promote it as cleaning-up an environmental disaster, you could do almost anything you wanted, and
take decades to do it, all the while keeping the public out at gunpoint because of the "dangerous poisons" left by the evil mine operators.
An old strip mine would be perfect; just build a huge hanger in one of the existing huge holes, throw some dirt on top, and voila: Giant Stealth Blimp
Base, one each, type Invisible.
Good hunting!