posted on May, 21 2006 @ 04:36 AM
I have no idea what you are going on about, but I'll have a stab anyway.
Underground silos are the perfect place for storage of goods. They are light proof, element proof, temperature regulated, and generally have great
environmental control systems. Winemakers have been using them for to look after stocks for years.
Because of the aforementioned, they would also be great places to store ammo. Everything from pistol bullets to Hellfires, as in addition to the
environmental factor, the security around the recently deactivated sites is so tight as to be comparable with my grandmas wallet. Yes, you can't get
anything out of it without someone knowing.
And apparently since this Julien character is interested in UFO's, you would think that a location such as this would be a good place to store
evidence? Or are you getting at 'soldiers are being prepared for the worst, leaving the public to fend for themselves'? I'm not sure . . .