posted on May, 20 2006 @ 02:08 PM
The other day I was going to do a thread about the 'Brazilian Stonehenge'. First though I did a search. I typed in Brazilian Stonehenge, and
clicked search.
Results back said nothing there. It gave me a link like thingy to my saved search, but I have no idea what to do with that. So I wrote a small
thread thinking I may be the first with this. But so many times before I did the same thing only for someone to reply "thread already started,
please add to it", I thought I would go through the section Ancient Civilisations 1 by 1.
Lo and behold I found this...
with the title being
"Brazilian Stonehenge" discovered...
So why didnt it pick up my search? I aint being picky, but the frustration of having someone tell you your repeating something really pisses me off.