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posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:07 PM
I have noticed several patterns in our Media lately....Lately i have seen an increase of covert propoganda and I have a quasi theory about it....and wanted to know what you all thought.

In numerous shows ranging from Numbers through all of the Law and orders CSI's and especially 24 there has been a dramatic increase in the number of times characters show disregard for certain civil rights and in the end always explain it away as for the best. Wether it be illegally tapping someones phones, illegaly entering thier house, entrapment...and the list goes on.

I think that by pumping these ideas covertly into some of the most watched television shows is not only delibrate but part of an elborate plan to syphon these civil rights away, by way of apathy and misunderstanding. We have already seen some of effects...for example where is the Uproar about the NSA wiretaps....most frequently I hear other Americans(atleast in my city) on the streets and in cafes and even at work who believe that as long as they arent doing something wrong they are fine with it. This really shocks and scares me. Couple that with the "war on terror" and new advancements in military technology and it seems as if there are parties within Washington whose singular goal is control.

Like I said just a theory...but has anyone else noticed these patterns on TV and in the news?

[edit on 18-5-2006 by Elsenorpompom]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:19 PM
I don't watch these shows but this has been going on for many years actually... I can think of shows in the early 70s when those Private Investigator shows were popular for example. Somebody breaking into someone elses place or shooting at will and even killing somebody else... meanwhile an hour later our hero is walking around like nothing happened.

I think they are trying to reduce our sense of right and wrong to this kind of behaviour in order to reduce resistance to it in future by the masses when it becomes very common.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:27 PM
My point exactly....they have been using this technique for a very long time....however I believe that in the past decade or so there has been a surge in covert propoganda....US news and World Report reported last year on the CSI effect. Complete with quotes from judges, jurors, and attornies all saying the same thing....CSI is making it harder to win cases because Jurors are demanding more and more conclusive evidence. While this is not a bad goes to show you just how much of an effect Television has on people....even when those people are highly intellegent. The reason i keep mentioning CSI is because for like the last three or four years it has been consistenly ranked as the Most watched show. I.E it has influence.

The question becomes if our Government is doing this, Is the media complicit? or are they being forced, I.E do it or we will put out these pictures or somethinng. And if our government and media are doing this how do we combat this....while I am aware of these covert techniques that does not mean that I pick up on all of them....and while those that I am aware of dont have the intedended effect....what about those Americans who are not as preceptive?

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 11:28 AM
If you'll notice on these shows, the violation of civil liberties is always shown in a negative light. In particular on Law & Order when one of the detectives roughed up a suspect to find the location of a kidnapped girl it caused major controversary among the DA's office, who even considered dropping the charges. Also on the L&O: SVU episode featuring Ludacris, the suspect was interrogated without his lawyer present, so his confession including the location of the bodies was deemed inadmissable.

These topics are in these shows because they are timely subjects on everyone's minds. I think you'll find if you consistantly watch these shows, you'll see that they are 99% of the time on the side of not infringing on civil liberties.

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Elsenorpompom
I think that by pumping these ideas covertly into some of the most watched television shows is not only delibrate but part of an elborate plan to syphon these civil rights away, by way of apathy and misunderstanding.

I think that maybe YOU are just becoming more sensitive to it. The archetype of the law man tossing away his badge and go beyond the rules and law to go for revenge or justice is as old as the hills. It's a dramatic device used to give the opposing force more weight.

You could probably find this in Joseph Campbell somewhere. The hero is given a task by the gods. The gods limit the hero in some way, telling him he can't do this one particular thing. Things get rough during the task, and the only way the hero can prevail is to disobey the gods and do the one thing they tell him not to. He completes his task, but has to pay for doing the thing he was told not to.

At the moment, people are sensitive about their civil rights. So writers use that as the "forbidden" mechanism. Other times it may have to do with killing somebody. Other times it might have to do with turning your back on the church.

But it's good to become more critically aware of the communication going on around you. Your brain is waking up.

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 05:43 PM
el_topo last year i would have agreed with you.

However I believe two weeks ago an epsiode on L&O:SVU had a return of Character, Benson, who was now working with DHS(or some equivalant) her previous partner comes to her asking for help and she taps into a Database of phones numbers and phone calls....her partner asks her" is this legal" to which she responds" Do you want the guy or not?". In said episode the DA never is even involved.

While L&O does toe the line and used to fall on the side of protection of civil rights even when getting the bad seems as if this is no longer the case.

but as i said ni previous post...this is not limited to one show or even one segement of has but to LISTEN to what is being said in Commericals, Documentaries, news shows, etc. Wether it be Overt or Covert, there are anti-civil rights propoganda machines operating at high efficeny to change the emotional path of American Citizens.

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 06:42 PM
I see this as well, with 24 in particular. He just goes around shooting everyone- even killing the good guys -, breaking in, torturing, and doing anything and everything else illegal, and the place he works for always fires him, but somehow he always gets his job back. Damn funny after a while.
And yes, you do see it in television commercials and other advertisements as well, even down here. Does that mean that our govt. is preparing us for a police state, or is it just that our stuff is influenced by the U.S.?

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 11:01 PM
I am of the belief that it is not soley the United States. I really belive that there is a concerted effort on the behalf of a small minority globally whose singular goal is control. I think that this movement is strong in the United States because we used to be the shinning bulwork of Democracy and Freedom. However as more and more of our liberties are taken away in the name of national security I think that this movement will gain creedence not only with those who want power but also with those who are misguided enough to be charmed.

People need to be aware...and they need to be vigalant and vocal against those who would steal thier rights from right underneath thier feet.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Elsenorpompom
I think that this movement is strong in the United States because we used to be the shinning bulwork of Democracy and Freedom. However as more and more of our liberties are taken away in the name of national security I think that this movement will gain creedence not only with those who want power but also with those who are misguided enough to be charmed.

Yes I have to agree with you on this one. As more and more of our liberties are being taken away in response to protect "national security," I feel like we're heading down the path of destruction. Not only is our government asking for another civil war, they are asking for World War 3! This tyranny cannot continue for much longer before a small majority of people awaken enough to realize what is going on. Perhaps it will be sites like ATS that add fuel to the fire, but I doubt that. The 3 Amigos don't seem to want to ferment any kind of anti-government/anti-US sentiment. However, I would be willing to start some kind of action as I am in serious need of closure with these fools (more or less the NWO and its pawns).

[edit on 20-5-2006 by biggie smalls]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I think they are trying to reduce our sense of right and wrong to this kind of behaviour in order to reduce resistance to it in future by the masses when it becomes very common.

For the most part it is working. I wonder if in the long run our republic is going to be lost? I dont see how it cannot be, most people are getting less and less informed and more propgangdized (not a word until now)

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