posted on May, 18 2006 @ 12:15 PM
I think i can cut to the chase..
after several threads dealing with alternative sources of clean energy, some common sense solutions emerged, as well as analyzing all the various
benefits of various types...
the overwhelming consistant response called for tailored solutions to the immediate environment. There is no "one solution fits all" nor does there
need to be...
Wind power would work great along the coasts, and in windier states.
Several studies show that it would pay off after only a decade...
Solar power would only be the choice in areas without high demand, and far away from power grids... (rural arizona/ new mexico were ideal
hydro would work everywhere that it could be used...
Geothermal would work in several areas.
The remaining areas, that were either too populous or too far from the conveinant alternative sources, could augment whatever industrial type they
use, with various methods...
The rough savings could cut our oil/coal/nuclear dependance by half conservatively... but probably by much more if exacting measurments could be taken
in real time scenarios.