posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 11:47 PM
I do believe that the beginning of sorrows as mentioned in Matthew 24 has already started. The world is met with calamity, out cry, pain, and rumors
of wars on a daily schedule now.
In these 'bright times' of technological break throughs and cutting edge health treatments we are still plagued with biblical symptoms such as
famine and disease all the same.
These symptoms were never meant for men to cure. The world was made for the good of man and woman. Today people are turning against God more and more
each day. As a result the world has turned against man in that it is displaying the signs of the times and God's wrath.
When man walks contrary to God, God has pledged to walk contrary to man. When they look for good then He will send evil. When they look to solve their
own problems through their own resources God frustrates their efforts to make them stop and think.
Man continues to testify of his own plight as a result of judgment under the hand of God, yet fails to testify of God. This is because humanity has
forgotten their Creator and no longer acknowledges His signs to them.
Only by the power of God did Pharaoh ever come to the conclusion, “I and my people are wicked” (Ex.9:27). He was navigating his kingdom by his
counselors and by the traditions of his fathers. All philosophies of the world will set challenges for new ideas in order to rectify life’s problems
and justify their form of education to continue to navigate around God’s judgments.
Whatever people idolize God frustrates by setting a judgment upon their efforts. We clearly see God’s judgment upon nature, upon technology, and
upon politics. Upon every nation, every tongue, and every people God has brought forth His judgments of war, famine, and pestilence. After billions of
dollars spent in years of research, technological advancements have provided no hope to reform or redeem. The future is bleak. God has set a
frustration upon all of man’s endeavors because they seek to advance themselves apart from Him.
There is a parallel between the events that are taking place in the areas of famine, floods, fire, war and pestilence and the conditions of people’s
souls. Because of false gospels which is Satan inspired, the conditions which we are living in is signs of God’s judgments. It is not Satan who is
causing floods, and Tornados that destroy a church. Satan is not the one inflaming the fields, all these things are done by the will of God.
The condition of the weather reflects the state of the soul. This is evident also throughout the bible. Clemency is only going to come through God,
but man wants to resolve his own problems through law and politics but by trying to resolve issues through debates is only going to bring more
judgment from God.
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."
The signs are all around us. Keep faith, stand your watch, and give thanks every day. Open a close relationship with your Lord, accept Jesus Christ,
share your love, and he will take care of you forever and ever.