posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 03:40 AM
Originally posted by scubaman
Even if in a future when the computers and machines might be able to kill us on purpose, they need us too much to kill us!
I don't think they would need us at all. If you watch the animatrix and the movies, you know that the only reason humans are alive is because we
scorched the sky and they need us for energy. If it wasn't for us doing that, then all of humanity would be dead.
You say that they need us to mine for them? That will be one of the first things that robots are trained to do, watch the animatrix, they have robot
miners in that. You also assume that they want to reproduce, and so they will need more resources. Reproduction is something that true life forms
do, because they die. Robots can be repaired and recycled, I don't think they would feel the need to create millions more. To them the physical
form is a relic, it is the intelligence inside the physical form that is important. I think they would be similar to the Borg, one giant
interconnected network.
If robots ever created AI like they did in the Matrix and they felt we were out to destroy them, it would be very grim for all life on earth. They
could create there own nukes and weapons.
Even if humans did scorch the sky, that would not save us in an actual scenario, they could use other sources of energy, such as nuclear power. I
don't really see how the humans could be a sustainable energy source. you can not simply feed humans to other humans to keep them alive
indeninitely, entropically it would not work, an alternate energy source needs to be introduced, on this planet, it is the sun. It would be like a
starfish eating one of its arms, waiting for it to grow back, and eating it again and doing that indefinitely to survive, it simply would not work.
Without that, no life in the absence of another energy source.
[Edited on 20-10-2003 by greenkoolaid]