posted on May, 14 2006 @ 06:55 PM
So for the past few days I've had a tooth infection, or at least an infection in my mouth. Hurts like heck, but...Well...I really don't like the
dentist. Actually, it's not the dentist I don't like, it's what (s)he makes me feel that I don't like.
So I've been dealing with the infection, taking large amounts of Advil and nailing my mouth with listerine just about every hour. The infection seems
to have gone away, as there is no significant swelling or anything.
However, I was just probing the gum around the tooth that was bothering me, and my tongue came across something it really didn't expect. After
several minutes of probing, then the use of dental tools (used for cleaning fossils, but apparently they can be used for dentistry, too! :0) and
finally a tweesers, I pulled out of my gum a popcorn husk. WHAT?!
I had had popcorn about a week ago, and apparently a husk cut open my gum under the tooth and gave me the infection. Yet, somehow, my body decided to
correct this problem and moved the husk through my gum to the outside of it, where it was poking out. Has anyone ever heard of anything like that?
I'm rather shocked. Relieved I don't have to go to Mr. Dentist, but still...
Even we forget the all-caps subject rule at times.
[edit on 5/21/06/21 by junglejake]