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Exhibition Debate?

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posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:16 AM
I am putting forth the challenge for an exhibition debate. I have had two dissapointing losses to date, and am eager to keep my skills shard and , well, fight with someone on an interesting topic.
I am sure John Bull would set it up (i hope) and depending on interest, will take most comers (if there are only a couple, i will take all comers, if their are 30, i will have to be selective)

Topic, or side i have to argue is of no importance, but I am leaning more towards debates that are not about prove it/its unprovable. I am more interested in debates of ethics, or the type where there is no 'right answer'

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:18 AM
How about "Does Nick Cage Suck?", I'll take the side of yes, he does in fact suck.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:24 AM
nope, sorry but nic cage does not suck. While he suffered some from his ill fated marraige to Lisa Marie/her father, his track record is too sound. Below find my points:
1) he was in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Only a stoner extra to Sean Penn, but an awesome role
2) His work in Leaving Las Vegas was amazing. He spoke to drunks everywhere, and even successfully conveyed the tragic hero-ness of hopeless drunks to non-drunks. PLus he was just damn good.
3) skipping lots of movies here, he was incredible in Adaptation. What an amazing feat, playing two roles with such clear distinction
4) going back some, in Face Off, he was a better Travolta than travolta. While the concept was not that cool, and the movie was OK, having to play himself half the time and Travolta the other half, and to do it so convincingly was awesome

Other actors that are cool: Cusack, Eric Stoltz, and even Mark Walberg.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:24 AM
I will debate you stumpy. About anything. Lets do it.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:27 AM
Just respond to place an time and so on.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:33 AM
Yes he does suck.
I'll give you a point for Fast Time (I Forgot That one)n but he sucks for numerous other reasons.
1) He plays the same inner turmoil and emotional angst riddled charicter in every film.
2) He was above Sean Connery on the bill for the Rock. Sean Connery should get top billing in every film he is in.
3) In adaptation they just split his normal typecast into two parts. One with inner turmoil and the other with emotional angst. He just played two parts of one whole.
4) He only has one facial expression, mopey. HE may smile or laugh but he still looks mopey.
5) A good portion of his films are emotional dramas. While the romantic comedy has been the standard for "chick flicks", the genre of romantic drama takes it down a notch.
6) Even in actual press interviews he has the mopey look on his face and come off as emotionally downtrodden

I agree that John Cusak, Erik Stoltz and Mark Wahlberg are good actors though.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:38 AM
Well Not too happy, I am willing to call a draw. I am not impressed with him off screen, and I agree he does the same # alot. I do think that he plays the inner turmoil card well. He convinces me that he is really the character which is more than many actors do. So i will concede, he is really only good at one thing (often being mopey) but I do think he sells is, and is rather good at it.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:41 AM
Okay, we'll call it a draw....for now.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 01:42 AM
SO stumpy you wanna debate sometime

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 02:00 AM
Omega, check your u2u. I already u2ued John Bull about setting it up. I am more than willing.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 02:02 AM
aight cool man. I cant wait. cya later stumpy.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 03:15 AM
I've U2Ued you both.

I will U2U you both 3 topics.You decide between you which one you want.I will post the topic up tomorrow in the debate forum locked.The topic will be unlocked next Sunday when the debate may start.

I get quite a few enquiries about debates so this seems like a good place to lay out how things stand.

I get a few U2U's stating that they wish to enter the debate tournament.
The current tournament has reached the 2nd round.The winner of both of the debates will meet in a contest to find an official challenger.That challenger will then face Ktprktpr who is the ATS debate champion.There is a weeks gap in between each round.The week before the Title debate between Ktpr and the challenger I will post a topic asking members to enter the next tournament.

Another common U2U I receive is the "I want a grudge match.Can you find me a opponent?"

Well,anyone can have a grudge match but I'm not a dating agency

I will find a topic as you can see above but I don't want to start finding opponents.
Also,it must be understood that Grudge matches only take place in the gaps between tournament debates.

Exhibition matches are like grudge matches but they involve the ATS champion.

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 04:05 AM
Looking forward to an ethics-based debate between two ethical debaters.

BTW, stumpy and omega1, who were the characters in your original cameo and photograph avatars?

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 12:27 PM
I'd like to see this. Good to see what the "new blood" is made of...

posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 11:11 PM
My original avatar was a picture of Adam Smith 'the father of Capitalism' I thought it might be a fitting avatar to suit my opinions, but now i'm going avatarless in favor of the fractal background. I might bring good ole adam back for some fun inthe future. And in response to ktpr, i guess I am new blood, but sometimes I feel like an old #er the way this board seems to be growing....


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