posted on May, 14 2006 @ 07:19 AM
I wonder how they plan to man the border? Most troops available are either back from Iraq, or over there. The others havn't finished training,
obviously unusable. Then there are those who are all trained and were "active duty", but happen to be inactive.
It was said that the returned troops would be able to return to civilian jobs, but will they? There is the eight year military service "obligation".
If the IRR or NG can be used, better for them. Keeps'em trained more than sitting around. Not exactly cheap maintaining readiness on a "zero based
budget". What are they thinkin?!
I tell you what, if the government will have me on it.
Personally my self, I will head up an IRR task force, specifically for border security.
Allow for presentation of requirements, and raw operating plan. I'm open for going over the methods involved, and will focus on a combined effort to
maintain fluid readiness.
Enough with those pork bellied policians, pushin pencils flabbergasting about.