posted on May, 25 2006 @ 03:37 AM
During normal working hours NSA has the biggest collection of geeks in one place in the entire world.
Splinter Cell is a video's called artistic license, nothing more.
Unless you have the proper security clearance you can't have access to the buildings (they have quite few and annex's around the area). And that
alone doesn't allow access either, unless you have official business there.
The workers in the cafeteria, barber shop, the credit union, the gift shop, etc., all have security clearances, as do the janitors. That's no joke.
NSA doesn't assasinate people. It's not quite like in that Will Smith movie "Enemy of the State", or the X-Files.
Read James Bamford's "Puzzle Palace" and/or "Body of Secrets", if you haven't already. It shed's some light on NSA, though "Palace" is a
pretty boring read. They're on Amazon.
I remember when i was active duty, they told us to say "I can neither confirm nor deny any information contained in that book", if anyone questioned
us about the Puzzle Palace, when it came out.
Now i laugh about that.