First of all I would like to thank everyone that has posted in the forum with their thoughts and theories of what happened on that dreadful day to the
WTC Towers – I have read many of the posts and I agree that the story the government is telling us is not the truth. I feel that there are several
things that are being held from the public because of what may come if these truths ever come to light.
First and foremost, I am not convinced that the attacks on 9/11 were devised and carried out by the US government to lead us into was with Afghanistan
and Iraq. I do have my thoughts as to what may have brought the towers down.
What I entertain as possible reasoning to why the towers fell can be read in the following article:
On day, as the lead consultant engineer was in my lab talking just about "stuff", I asked him, "Sometime in future, in 50 years or so, how are
these Twin Towers are going to be taken down as tall as they were going to be and as tight as land is in a crowded city, without causing fast
destruction to other buildings?"
He was standing upright. He outstretched his right arm with his palm down. And said, "Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam" as he lowered his hand down one
imaginary floor at a time. All the way down to the floor. I knew that we had to certify these commutators to be able to operate continuously for 50
years without service or repair as our part of the contract. He explained that as the buildings are being built, explosive charges are being
incorporated into the structures at key floor joint locations. So, that when the first charges are set-off at the top floors, they will take that
floor down to the next. And the charges at that floor will take it down to the next floor. This will continue all the way down. The Twin Towers will
come straight down like a stack of pancakes. When the buildings get old and no longer useful or profitable to have and maintain, all it will take is a
phone call to take them down.
Here is why I think that it is possible.
1. The towers were built on top of soft ground (as evidenced by the Slurry Wall that needed to be built to keep the Hudson River away from the
building when they dug for the foundation. At any point during the construction if the ground started to give way, there could be the need to bring
the towers down, and bring them down FAST. This would save thousands of lives (if the tower or towers ever fell over sideways).
2. The decision could have been made (or possibly by design the entire time) to leave the charges in the building if the ground ever started to give
way later.
3. On 9/11, the decision MAY have been made, with fear that there was a good chance the towers would fall over and destroy surrounding buildings and
countless lives, to bring them down to minimize the loss of life and surrounding buildings.
4. The WTC complex is adjacent to a very large communications hub (The Verizon building at 140 West St.) If the tower would have collapsed onto 140
West St, the communications to all of Lower Manhattan, including Wall St and the Stock Exchange, would have been disrupted for months if not longer.
(This is a very small piece of the larger picture, but may help explain why the call to “pull” WTC was made, or at least a contributing factor.
This is again, my thoughts on one of the many possibilities of event surrounding the WTC collapse, I cannot find much for proof, and I apologize for
that – however in some strange way to me this theory is possible.
[Mod Edit:
Link format - Jak]
[edit on 12/5/06 by JAK]