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WCIP found this and I think it's worthy of it's own thread...with his blessing of course

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posted on May, 13 2006 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Denied
OMFG listen to the song on the down load section, listen to the words.
From "The cover Up"

Was this song seriously written before 9/11

No, it was released in 2004:

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 10:11 AM
Talking about coincidences, i saw this today.
Very tragic.

Sorry about the source, not my paper.

[edit on 13-5-2006 by Denied]

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 10:23 AM
Yes I read about that, it was pretty horrific. Maybe we should start a project documenting coincidences? It would be useful to give the whole thing some perspective when analysing data for serious leads as well as being an interesting subject in it's own right. Maybe I'll think about dusting off that blog, I come across various interesting ones nearly every day in life but I nearly always forget, I was trying to think of another one from yesterday but I couldn't remember the details (pretty drunk at the time).

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 10:36 AM
Here's a bunch of good ones

It's pretty weird how these things happen

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 04:33 PM
I agree regarding looking at the frequency of coincidences...
I also wonder about what quantum mechanics and akashic records would say...

Perhaps an event such as 9-11 does draw inspiration from the "ether" both before and after the actual event...
regarding this situation, it is a close call in my estimation.
It is feasable, that a rogue element within various agencies would need someway to communicate the date of a preconcieved plan. This certainly qualifies..
the other song names where a little scary also. "light delay" could have alternative meanings, but then again, it could be just a name...

I do think it is worth further investigation. Something is just too creepy to let go of.
I tried to find a connection to emperor norton records, and nothing wierd showing yet, but i am still looking.

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by yeahright

That's a good point. My point was only that coincidences do exist. And, I believe, it's certainly possible (maybe) to make connections where none exist. And I'll go back to "maybe". Maybe terrorist cells and/or some sort of MK ULTRA mind controlled groups are using popular culture in the form of CDs to communicate. But I doubt it.

That doesn't mean I'm not interested in seeing what somebody can come up with. I'm open to changing my mind given sufficient evidence.

I like your cop analogy, though. But for purposes of the coincidence vs superstition point, I'm drawing a distinction between "black cat crosses path, you get hit by car" and "bloody kinife and clothes found in house of man who'cut his thumb' the same night as his ex-wife was slain across town". Now maybe that second example is a coincidence, but it certainly bears closer scrutiny.

True. I am not saying that these strange pre-9/11 "signals" are the work of the government per se, or anything like that. For many other incidents, I would think in terms of coincidence as well.

But the reason I am abandoning coincidence here is simply because there are too many other glaring "coincidences" which resemble more the bloody knife and clothing than a black cat or umbrella opened indoors. Taken alone, if all was as seemed on 9/11, this album would be at the most, REALLY creepy. But when you consider things like the phoned in warnings before the attacks, the stock trades of United and American airline stocks, the new insurance policy Silverstein took out 7 weeks before, ect ect ect ect ect, well, this just adds to the growing pile of "coincidence" that makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm.........
I am looking at many possibilities, from MKULTRA type stuff (which is low on my list of possibiloities at this time) to collective unconcious prophecy, to even quantum physics style reality making.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 02:58 PM
STEE- My coincidence comments were in reference to the CD specifically, not meant to reflect upon the 9-11 scenario as a whole.

I agree there's much much more to be learned. I'm just (personally) viewing this CD thing as a coincidence and a road to nowhere.

But we won't know unless somebody checks.

Sounds like you've got a lot of roads to explore. And I'm always interested in what people find.

Else why would I be here?

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by yeahright
STEE- My coincidence comments were in reference to the CD specifically, not meant to reflect upon the 9-11 scenario as a whole.

I agree there's much much more to be learned. I'm just (personally) viewing this CD thing as a coincidence and a road to nowhere.

But we won't know unless somebody checks.

Sounds like you've got a lot of roads to explore. And I'm always interested in what people find.

Else why would I be here?

I am specifically interested in the quantum theory portion of it. And of course, the collective unconcious aspect as well. Those are the roads I am exploring, because it seems alot of 9/11 symbolism pops up in everyday life of ordinary or non power/government related people. Perhaps 9/11 is a more signifigant event factor in the larger scale of events that shape general collective human unconcious. or perhaps humanity subconciously was moving itself to that paticular day and event, and thus by quantum theory, created it by setting it into motion in their own obervation.

pretty complex really. And what about posdsible ties to the more powerful humans? Are the leaders and powerbrokers of our world who might have planned this key entities in the astral plane, or wherever our collective unconcious exists? Can they direct the subtle murmuring of the soul?

Also, what about HAARP? Alot of people believe HAARP plays a huge role in government mind and mood control. Can images be broadcasted through harp signals, picked up by certain receptive humans at an unconcious level and manifested in their dayly arts and work?

The possibilities are multitude, so many avenues for exploration.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 10:22 PM
Here is a link for the Global Consciousness Project. It uses "random" number generators. During major global events the numbers are not so random. It has been awhile since I explored the subject but this thread brought it back to memory.

Edit: You can also buy your own "egg" and attach it to your computer to volunteer in the project. You upload your data to a Princeton University server.

[edit on 14-5-2006 by redbrotherqing]

posted on May, 15 2006 @ 01:06 AM
There is another word for what we've been looking at here, and that word is synchronicity. It's more than just the title of a Police song. I actually don't believe that the band is a CIA front, just that they're plugged into a collective consciousness and things are 'leaking through'. This goes all the way back to Jung, through Bill Burroughs and Robert Anton Wilson. I think the 'cover up' theme is perfectly logical for a band as apparently prescient as they are, although I haven't listened to any of the music.

The point about synchronicity is that it is meaningful coincidence. But the meaning is determined by the nervous system of the perciever, and is there for that person alone. Obviously there are events which resonate more fully, for greater numbers of people, and these are likely to throw up larger-scale coincidences/synchronicities like this one.

I heartily recommend Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuninatus! trilogy for a careful and thorough meditation on coincidence, synchronicity, and the nature of consciousness and time.

And posting the Global Consciousness Project site was a cool move. I remember the perturbations in the RNGs becoming a news item after 9/11. The whole RNG thing, I think, is very informative, and should be an indicator that a paradigm shift is way overdue.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 10:20 PM
Keep your eyes open folks, these few pre-2001 911 references are just the tip of the iceburg. Here's some I've found...

Moving over to Hollywood’s many Masonic productions, we find the 9/11 attacks alluded to in several films long before 2001! In 20th Centruy Fox’s 1988 film Die Hard the first lines are spoken on a plane about how to get over the fear of flying. One guy says what he has done for 9 years and Bruce Willis says what he has been doing for 11 years. So here we have 911, on a plane, talking about fears of flying, from a Masonic production company. In the first Die Hard, John McClane (Bruce Willis) takes on 12 terrorists in a tower; in the second movie it’s terrorists at an airport. Isn’t it interesting how in the 1988 movie we have John McClane afraid of flying, terrorists, towers, 9/11, and now in 2008 we have John McCain on a presidential fear campaign revolving around terrorists, towers, and 9/11? In 1998 we also have Bruce Willis saving the world in Masonic Disney/Touchstone’s Armegeddon. Toward the end of the movie there is a countdown which passes 9:11 minutes just as the camera pans past. In another 1998 Disney/Touchstone film, Enemy of the State, a politician played by Jon Voight has his birthday on September 11th. At first glance these synchronicities may seem like mere coincidence until you realize their Masonic significance, and Hollywood’s Masonic dominance.

In Warner Bros. 1990 film Gremlins 2 there are two reporters from channels 9 and 11 holding microphones with those numbers juxtaposed. In the 1990 Universal film Problem Child the Healeys live at house number 911. The actor in this movie, John Ritter, in real life had a baby girl, Stella Ritter born on 9/11/98, then 5 years later suddenly and suspiciously John died on 9/11/03 In the 1993 Super Mario Brothers movie the Two Towers are depicted eerily half destroyed and smoking just as they would be on 9/11/01. In the movie, the Twin Towers each have on them a large symbol of a hand holding two lightning bolts. This is the very aspect of Tarot imagery from “The Tower” card substituted by “hijacked” planes on 9/11.

In 33rd Degree Mason James Cameron and Columbia TriStar’s 1991 Terminator II, Judgement Day, there is an overpass that warns “Caution 9-11.” Later in James Cameron’s 1996 film Independence Day, there is also a countdown which just happens to pass 09:11:01 as the camera pans across. At the start of another Columbia TriStar Picture, 2000’s The 6th Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger looks at his schedule which has only two times: 9:00 and 11:00. The same year in Columbia’s The Patriot, Mel Gibson’s first words, weighing a chair, in the film, are: "9 pounds, 11 ounces, perfect." Here we have 911, the “patriotic” concept of the post-911 “Patriot Act,” a Masonic production company, a Masonic measuring device and symbol of the mystery schools, ounces or OZ (77) revenge of Lamech, and the closing word, “perfect.”

In 1997 DreamWorks’ first film, The Peacemaker, George Clooney is shot perfectly between aisle 9 and 11. In a 1997 episode of the Simpsons, Lisa holds up a magazine that reads “New York $9” with a picture of the Twin Towers after the 9 which looks like 911. In 1998’s Godzilla the camera cuts to a wrist-watch showing 8:55 with the little hand on the 9 and the big hand on the 11. In 1999’s The Thirteenth Floor a wall clock shows 11:45 with the big hand on the 9 and the little hand on the 11. In Universal/Columbia’s 1999 The Bone Collector, Denzel Washington finds a piece of paper from page 119, and the date is 11/9, November 9th. In 2000’s Traffic, a large delivery truck is shown full of boxes, and on every single box is a scorpio/scorpion symbol and the number 911.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 10:20 PM
In 1998 the U.S. Department of Justice FEMA Emergency Response to Terrorism Guide had a cover picture showing the World Trade Center in crosshairs. Another symbolic representation of the 9/11 events was encoded into the year 2000 $20 bill which when folded a certain way resembles the smoking/damaged Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Rap group “The Coup” album “Party Music” which came out just after 9/11, originally in June 2001, had an album cover featuring the artists affront both WTC towers which have huge explosions/smoke clouds from the upper floors. Granted some of this pre 9/11 symbolism could be sheer coincidence and overanalyzation, but can you honestly explain away all these synchronicities so simply?

“I do not mind being called a ‘conspiracy theorist’ by those who don’t mind being called ‘coincidence theorists.’” -Co-founder of 911 Citizens Watch John Judge

To see screenshots from these movies, go to my site:

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 05:10 AM
I agree that this is a freaky story but if you have an artwork focused on terror in New York, you are going to feature the WTC. For a certain style of art there is no other option.

The WTC was chosen for a scene in the first Spiderman movie, which later had to be cut for sensitivity reasons.

Esthetic factors lessen the coincidence quotient considerably in these artistic cases. The artist chose the WTC for the same reasons that the perps chose the WTC. Wrecking it is THE choice, the only choice for a bombastic statement in NYC.

But it is definitely an interesting story. Gosh, I think I'm a debunker on this one.

[edit on 19-2-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Coincidences do happen no matter how weird. One of our customers cars, for instance, has been through 8 different engines (each time only spending a day or two on the road at the most), each engine was from a different source, some from our own, some from the customers and all failed on completely different, unrelated things. Then a few days ago he took it away once more, and the day before yesterday he was driving along and a boiler fell off the back of a lorry and wrote it off....

You've got me rolling!
I'm not sure whether or not you intended on that being a joke; But it is hilarious.

I wonder how many artists release songs named after months..

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
The WTC was chosen for a scene in the first Spiderman movie, which later had to be cut for sensitivity reasons.

Also added:

The series of clips where the New Yorkers are throwing stuff at the Green Goblin from the bridge and saying "You mess with one of mess with all New Yorkers". Or something to that affect.

Just gives it a "Let's Roll" feel to it.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:50 AM
old news to me, but here it is in case you missed it:

Album cover for rap group 'the coup'.

Made in the summer of 2001 just a few months before the 9/11 attacks, the odds are pretty heavily stacked that this is just some coincidence don't you think? The damn release date was right around September 11th! Unsurprisingly the album cover was 'pulled' in favour of something else at the last moment of release.

I have a theory as to how these guys and others (including 'I am the WTC' and Steve Jackson card games) got their ideas from and the connection is I believe to be drug related and the circles of dodgy social groups connected with them.

After at least some people must of known something in advance, and I would bet that it would be the stories trickling down from the guys at the top of the criminal world and the types who are directly involved and connected with the secretive narcotic production and distribution (like crack and coc aine) and the people directly connected to 9/11. Need I remind you the stories of Atta taking coc aine and hanging out at strip bars? Its these circles of people that may very well of known 'something' or heard 'ideas' and would probably be the most likely types to boast or leak stories of the things they know in drug enduced states (remember Atta also boasting he was an AA pilot). I wouldn't be at all surprised if the bulk of funding for the 9/11 operations originated from drug profits. Atta is almost proof of connection to the drug world. I think in terms of the coup, the lead artist (who may well of had a taste for high grade coc aine as many artists and producers do use drugs) heard something to the effect of 9/11 operations which in inadvertently or subconsciously inspired him to produce that piece of drug induced 'art' we see right there.

And for what its worth it does look drug induced to me, particularly coc aine induced. Why? Because its terrible and egotistical! I expect the guy who made it thought it was totally amazing and they looked 'real cool'. That's the effect of the drug kicking in!

That's just my opinion anyhow, and wouldn't surprise me at all, knowing what I know.

[edit on 20-2-2008 by Insolubrious]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love


1. The name of the band: I Am The World Trade Center
2. The name of the album: Out Of The Loop
3. The name of track 11: September
5. The artwork.
6. The release date: July 17, 2001

[edit on 2006-5-12 by wecomeinpeace]

hmmmm.... what does it take for people to start thinking outside the box?

no coincidence here.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

hmmmm.... what does it take for people to start thinking outside the box?

no coincidence here.

Thank you for your in deapth research of this matter. You obviously have done a vast amount of scientific work to be able to present this astonishing thesis to the world.

No more evidence needed for me.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by freight tomsen

Interesting list of stuff. As I read through it, my memory was jogged. My mother often used to mention that I was a big baby at birth, I weighed 9lbs 11ozs !!!!! (Cue "Twighlight Zone music.)

I wonder if that combination of numbers has a significance in numerology, maybe like the death card in Tarot?

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