posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:34 PM
This is now officaly been passed by the Senate. I think it's disqusting! The little people HERE HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT FORECLOSURES! To millionaires and
Billionaire the Income Tax(basicly an illegal equality and social tax, I have no idea why we can't have a "Goverment Tax" on everyone, and make it
illegal for unknown bank accounts the "Average Jane or Joe" CAN'T use!
Here's the link, BAD SENATORS, BAD! We need like a non-violent version of "V" to stop this BS!
AND then we PAY them $180,000 a year to do this stuff to us? Besides it's ILLEGAL under the Constitution for us to listen to what they tell us we can
do anyway, since their all more or less "ran at the political top" by the "Founding Families" and "Wealthy Ones".