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Has ATS ever won any awards?

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posted on May, 11 2006 @ 01:01 PM
Just wondered if ATS has ever been nominated for any awards, if indeed there are any out there? Website type awards i'm talking about.

I'm not a regular on any other site, but i'd imagine this has to be one of the best, biggest and most informative. I'd certainly nominate it for one of the most professional, based on how it's run and the way it looks.

Should win an award for addictiveness too!


[edit on 11/5/06 by CX]

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 01:34 PM
I don't believe that an award for sites like ATS even exist. Perhaps there are awards for the "best forum" or something, but how can one even begin to even describe ATS? It's way more than "just a forum".

I certainly don't believe that awards exist for the "the best board moderation". If one did, then our ATS mods would win that one hands down. Although, at times, it might seem as if members are being stifled, censored or impeded from expressing their opinions but I will have to say that it's always for a reason that 'makes sense'. The experience and intelligence of "our" mods seems to always come through. And when a mod makes the rare mistake, they are always gracious enough to admit it and apologize. Now that's class. But, unfortunately no awards.

Again, I don't think that an award for the best site developers exist that would possibly include our "Three Amigos". Perhaps if the creator/owner/operators of ATS had put all of their efforts into a typical commercial site they'd garner all sorts of acclaim. However, ATS is an original. Yes, there are other "conspiracy sites" but nothing, no site comes close to ATS. ATS is such a massive site that covers so many topics, fields of interest and subject matter that it is truly unique. Maybe that's award enough? To take pride in knowing that you have created and developed a site that is a unique entity must give one a good feeling. Creating a site that attracts competent, intelligent people who are willing to voluntarily work as moderators but be quite rewarding. To know that so many are willing to share a vision is certainly more than a "warm fuzzy feeling". But to realize that there are thousands of people all over the world who are willing to invest their time and energy reading, expressing themselves and sharing opinion, knowledge and insight with one another in a civil, intelligent forum must be the greatest award one could get.

Thank you Simon, Springer and Skeptic......I wish I had a big, shiny plaque or cup to present to you but all I have to give is my sincerest gratitude for what you have given to all of us.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 02:09 PM
ATS has won website awards from other websites/online directories and been recommended in magazines in the past.

I do know ATS got 5 out of 5 stars in the December 1999 edition of The Net magazine in the Weird section as I kept a copy.

I can't remember a single one of the awards though.


posted on May, 11 2006 @ 03:16 PM
Thanks for that Simon. Like you say benevelant, ATS is much more than just a forum, i know i've only been here a short while but i can only try to imagine the sweat and tears that has gone into building this site to what it is today. I guess that can't be measured and so awards for that sort of thing are hard to give.

I know i've yet to find a site so well staffed and smoothly run, especially considering the controversial content here at times. Hats off to to the Three Amigos and the staff that support them. A job i'm certainly glad i don't have to do, but a site thats great to be a part of!


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