posted on May, 11 2006 @ 04:22 AM
Actually, rethinking this whole thing, when you put that many passengers at risk to get what you want, you should expect to be dealt with in the
harshest ways a country has at thier means. Maybe hijacking and terrorising people is the norm in some countries, but it is'nt in ours! If you want
to seek asylum here then you should respect what is and what is'nt the done thing here. Last time i looked, hijacking was'nt the done thing.
Don't get me wrong, i still feel slightly torn with this as i believe that they must have felt very threatened to have done what they did. Then
again, i'm sure the passengers on that aircraft also felt very threatened that day, in which case i feel the SAS should have just saved us a whole
load of money that day.
I've just been watching a curent affairs frogramme on tv, a woman phoned in and said that after the breakdown of her marraige her house was
repossessed. She has been trying for social housing but they won't give her anything for her and her kids. You can't blame the woman for being angry
and upset when these hijackers are given a £250,000 house for free and full benefits.
It's down to the government at the end of the day, you can blame the judges and the hijackers all you want, but theres only one lot of people who can
change this.