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Cool Signatures

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posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by triplesod

Originally posted by m0rbid
I'm with you for the vote. This kind of decisions belong to ATS staff, and ATS staff only. People, remember it's a free website, so since we haven't paid for anything we can't oppose to anything.

I do not agree at all and I am sure Simon and the staff themselves also do not.

This forum is what it is because of the members who post on it.

Also, from what you have said it would seem that you would be all in favour of a dictatorship on these boards. We have the right to speak up for what we believe in and we have the right to ask for and at certain times (this not being one) demand change. I am sure if one of the ATS staff asked you to jump into bed with them for a slow sensual buggering you would (literally) jump at the chance but many othersincluding myself would not, the Admin are not gods (or the Aliens that have, for a few thousand years been mistaken for gods, if thats what you believe
) and if they have made a decision that we as a community do not agree with then we must challenge them. I am pretty sure that Mr Gray and the others would be pretty pissed off if it wasn't that way and instead we just spent our licking their arses, agreeing with everything they say, without thought and without predjudice, in a very vain and pathetic way of trying to be liked by the big boys.

OK This swearing business is not a big deal to me, if it came to a vote I would definately put my name down, it has now become more of a them V's us affair and I don't think anyone wants or needs that to be the case.

I appreciate the reasons given, they are fair enough and we have not been banned from swearing, nor has anyone actually been banned for swearing, if that were to become the case then this topic should again be brought up but until then, I call for understanding of the reasons and faith in the mods, let's let them have this one but please, (i am talking to M0rbid and others now) do not reat the mods as divine entities who can not be wrong, they are no different from you or me (though they probably know a hell of a lot more on these subjects) and they diserve no less or more respect as human beings than the rest of us. Of course they diserve a # load of respect for what they have done with this site and that's why I think we should question this no longer as teh reasons we have been given have been perfectly clear and understandable.

I hope everyone can understand what I have been saying here. Until I find out that Estragen's or Mr Crowne;s real name is Superman, this is they way I will stand.

Did this get placed in the wrong thread?

posted on Oct, 20 2003 @ 09:28 PM

What I meant it the if Simon feel their need to be some automatic censorship, he probably have good reasons.
It's still his site and he can do what he want with it.

And right now, I'm sure he have other things much more important to care about then people who dislike the censor system.

And basicly, what's the problem? Can't express your self using proper language, without any cuss words?

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:14 AM

Well, i'm afraid i went a bit over the top with that last night, I had had a few to many.

I still stand by what i said but, yes as someone said "is this in the wrong thread" it was probably a bit much for the discussion we have had.

Oh well.

What i was saying though, by the way was not that Simon has better things to do but that SImon and co would much prefer a group of people with their own mind and the strength to speak it than a group of sheep that only do as is told because they think the mods be gods.

Or maybe not, maybe i am completely wrong and the mods like having us in check, maybe all the talk brought up on these pages about big brother is only here to give the mods ideas on how to control us

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:30 AM

Why do some people have HUMONGOUS room on their sig section...


others have very little room for their sig to be exposed???

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by m0rbid
Why people are not posting? Maybe because people are tired of threads about signatures, avatars and all the likes.

I'd noticed too, that some of the slightly more trivial...or....wait...that's perhaps not the right word....the more non-website-related topics are shining through more and more. It kind of detracts from my original reasons for coming here. I may not be a huge participant in posting, but I enjoy reading the more 'meaty' posts - I've noticed I'm having to wade through a lot more to find those these days.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by TejanoRey

Why do some people have HUMONGOUS room on their sig section...


others have very little room for their sig to be exposed???

Could be due to their reply size....if their reply is short, the signature looks like it has HUGE amounts of space. This is because of the side mini-profiles (bit with the user-name, avatar, Mood Bars, ATS Points etc etc)...the added 'space' in the signature is just basically like empty 'filler'.

If you have a look at a lengthy reply, with sentences that carry on PAST the whole side mini-profile Avatar, Moods etc will notice the signature gap is smaller, as it doesn't need to fill up any space.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 09:47 AM
I think its a safe bet that everyone likes their own sig, or they would have chose something else.
It is a reflection of who you are and what you are interested in.
I personally enjoy most everyones sigs.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by UniversalFiction
I'd noticed too, that some of the slightly more trivial...or....wait...that's perhaps not the right word....the more non-website-related topics are shining through more and more. It kind of detracts from my original reasons for coming here. I may not be a huge participant in posting, but I enjoy reading the more 'meaty' posts - I've noticed I'm having to wade through a lot more to find those these days.

We definitly need more 'meat'.

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