These religious nutcases are going to do us all in. We have the devil worshipping, horse fearing, nukular saying blue blood cowboy on a holy mission.
Ok, so God wanted him to be president, but he did say he's on a crusade. He has the fundy, born again loony bin Christians behind him on the 21st
century crusade to get the A-rabs.
We have the Iranian prez dropping his balls and defying everyone on enrichment, which I can feel to some extent. But, this nutcase thinks Allah is
going to come down and help the Muslims. Then, I've seen videos of insurgents attacking and being attacked by our troops. On one, these kids were
playing with a troop's severed leg. Everyone was yelling "Allah Akbar" while they kicked the leg.
Then, we have the sneaky Zionists pulling all kinds of strings behind the scenes. These are the biggest nutcases; they actually think they are God's
favorite people
. They actually say this with a straight face. Which is funny to me, because their god was constantly slapping them
around in their holy book.
Quite the situation we have here. The Christian loonies support Israel because of some rapture or something. I think Jesus comes down on a cloud and
kills all the Muslims and whoever else is attacking Israel, or something like that. Jesus-god, who has been AWOL for the last 2000 years. The Muslim
fanatics want death to America and Israel. Honestly, I don't know much about Islam, but I'm sure Allah comes down and steps on the infidels or
something. The Jewish elitists are laughing all the way to the bank. Since they're already the favorite of all 3 groups (they made up the original,
after all), they laugh at the Christians and the Muslims. After all, they're the chosen ones, no matter who rips off their religion, right?
And, I can't forget the devil worshippers. These are the ones ultimately pulling ALL the strings. These are the ones to really worry about, because
they have tons of money, tons of power, and are really crazy. Either way, these religious nutcases are going to annihilate a huge portion of the
Earth. All because of some made up beliefs...what a shame.:shk: