posted on May, 9 2006 @ 01:00 AM
I think we all come from the same place, including aliens. For me, a soul is a soul. When we die, I think we all go back to the Oneness that we came
from. The Oneness is the only thing that is real.... it is everything that is, ever was, and will be. A soul is like a drop of water. By itself, it is
a single thing with its own life-cycle. But if you put that waterdrop into an ocean, it's once again whole and back where it came from. That's how I
think of souls and I think everyone has a soul, including aliens. There are good souls and negative souls and I think "separation from God" is
separation from the Oneness which is what happens to negative entities.
As for what our "afterlife" is like, who knows. I think there are any number of possibilities, though. Maybe, upon entering the afterlife, we lose
all human characteristics.... the need, want, or ability to touch, see, hear, smell and taste things is no longer a part of us. We will be One... so
we will not need to touch, see, hear, smell or taste ANY thing because we will already be that thing. Maybe everyone, including us and aliens, lose
all of our invididual and unique characteristics and rejoin the big, glowing ball of life. The all is one and the one is all. Maybe we will experience
that as just a divine and eternal feeling of wholeness and nothing more.
OR, maybe we create our heaven (or hell) after death. Maybe we personally judge ourselves... we cannot lie to ourselves so in a sense, we are the
ultimate judge. We know the truth of ourselves... if our self-judgment is that we lived a good life, maybe we manifest our own form of heaven,
tailored to our personal and particular beliefs in life.
Or maybe we're reincarnated on Earth again.... or maybe we can choose to be reincarnated or continue on in the afterlife.
Or maybe when we die, we meet Jesus.
There are so many possibilities that are equally believable and plausible.
[edit on 9-5-2006 by firebat]