posted on May, 27 2006 @ 08:09 PM
Personally I still like this idea of CCTV in all class rooms. Not so much for the sake of child behaviour; but because of c*** teachers, wasting
government money, children’s interests, and possible future interests in certain subjects. Hell if some of my teachers had known how bad they were
they may have agreed they were unwittingly wasting their own lives (that's if they genuinely cared about leaving this world a richer place).
So it's not bad child behaviour that generally worries me. In fact the idea kids might not be able to chuck a piece of paper, or leave a burning
cigarette in the teachers room when they are trying to give up smoking (something I did in revenge), is the downside to the idea. And it really is a
massive downside. Anybody who thinks kids shouldn’t be allowed to be kids is just some authoritarian p***k; who ether didn't have a child hood or
forgot about it.
The Compromise...
Introduce strict guidelines about how CCTV should be used.
1.Say only if something criminal or would constitutes a suspension plus happens.
2.Give teacher the power to use it only on certain problem pupils
3. Or if they are unable to control a certain class
Basically a bit of bureaucracy is the key to balancing education and child hood. And of course it would be less effective, but at least it provides
the kids with a normal childhood in return.
4. Of course there should be certain exceptions say in problem schools (those dealing with behavioural problems, or where kids are being caught
bringing knives to school). In fact how about under my scheme if one kid gets caught brining a weapon to school the whole school-year losses their
CCRV Protection Rights for about a week? That way that kid would be one of hell of an example as even if they are expelled they going are still
going to be one hell of an unpopular little bugger around the neighbourhood.
5. I'm not in favour of anyone constantly watching the CCTV as such (waste of money and paedophiles dream job). I am in favour of it being
available if and when it really is needed.
6. Oh and any pupil should be able demand the tape be saved, in order to deal with things like bullying (and other acts directly against them) (but
not as a means of getting over kids into trouble, unless it’s real trouble of course).
One thing I demand that stays is that the education inspectors have unlimited access to the tapes. Yes they could be paedophiles, but I remember many
strangers sitting at the back of the class watching us whilst the quality of teaching suddenly improved. So if inspectors watching CCTV could be
paedophiles so could a minority of some those current government inspectors sitting at the back of classroom.
Ok so what do you think of that compromise?
Would this be acceptable to you?
Have I compromised too far or not enough?
(Remember politicians, or senior party officials could-will be watching this thread).
[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]