posted on May, 8 2006 @ 04:53 PM
First of all really sorry to the mods/admin if this is the wrong place to put this but I figured this is where the most interested people would be.
Hope you don’t mind.
Anyway, basically I’ve set up a website but the bloke who helped me get it online has gone AWOL so I’m going to have to start from scratch (though
the content and graphics are ready to be uploaded). To top it off I don’t know anything about HTML and that kind of stuff but I need to get it up
and running before Farnborough.
As I said in the thread title the site is an overview of the UK UAV industry, I’ve spent the last year or two researching and writing this and
I’ve got access to quite a bit of great information and some exclusive pics.
What I need is someone who knows how to actually set up, maintain and update the site itself. Preferably they’d be able to update it daily if
needed, but that’s not totally essential right now just as long as it’s not months between updates.
I can also offer a little bit of a perk for helping out; since I get quite a few press releases that aren’t otherwise immediately available to the
public, FOI requests, etc I’ve decided to forward some/all of this to people providing a regular or significant contribution. So anyone helping will
get access to up to date and in many cases exclusive information before it’s made available to the public. Obviously this can’t then be forwarded
to anyone else.
You can take a look at the site as it is here
Like I said I need a webmaster the most but any other contributions are welcome.
If you're interested please post here and email me at
[email protected]