Originally posted by asala
Hey there are a few people here from NYC, I hope by bumping this they will see it,
I wish your little one well and the best for tomorow,
Please update us and let us know how he is
Im sure it will all be ok
Thanks so much Asala-and everyone. Thanks Djarums for asking around too! I appreciated the responses even though I had no time to post-and nothing to
post back- until now. You know, sometimes "no news is good news" so as long as no body posted "OMG-that place is as good as a mortuary" or
something awful like that, I had decent enough peace of mind before embarking on our trip.
...well as much as could be expected when putting your 2 and a half year old under general anesthesia, right?
So thanks.
And yes Asala, everything was/is OK. *sigh of relief* Though surgery ended up being a bit more extensive than we (the Dr and I) expected (nothing life
threatening in itself-just major extensive oral surgery) lasting 4.5 hours instead of the expected 2hrs...everyting went well and he is fine.
I did dress in scrubs and attend my little guy into the OR to help him adjust and to help restrain him as they put him under -and he resisted...and he
did spike a fever coming out of the anesthesia, and was vomitting a bit, but that was the worst of it and I think it was harder on me than him! Hate
to see him like that!
I held him for 3 hours in recovery worried sick for him-and suddenly he was fine, alert, and asking to leave. *whew*
He was there as one of the first surgery patients of the day and was one of the last in recovery. We got to know alot of staff-and they were all
amazing-he stole their hearts even when ornery and obstinate as opinionated and willful 2 year olds can and will be! And of course when loopy on
pre-anesthesia happy drugs he was everyone's buddy!
Anyway, for future reference, I'd send anyone I cared for deeply there to St Catherine's of Sienna-formerly St Johns (I think) They were
I spoke with the anesthesiologist who has been doing this for 30 years-and plenty of children as well, and genuinely liked the people at that hospital
and in that area of NY.
I think I could live in Manhatten or Long Island as the people I've met just...amaze me. I mean, despite the idiot I am here, you'd be surprised
that I actually make friends/good impressions/give get vibes about people quite easily and love to travel and meet people, but I admit, I never
expected NYers to be as amazing as I've met and realized so many really are. Funnny how stereotypically prejudiced I guess I was-still- until
recently. I was really West Coast biased until this most recent trip.
I mean, the Dr and his receptionist and I have only corresponded via email and had a few phone conversations until Tuesday-the day before surgery. And
though he had 2 other surgeries that day, it was I who warranted the individualized attention. Perhaps because I had traveled nearly 5 hours to get
there, alone with my son, etc...but I mean...the receptionist took the day off to keep me company in the waiting room! She ended up nearly adopting me
I think! Invited me to keep in touch-even call her at home anytime.
The Dr gave me his personal cell phone number in case I needed anything or had any concerns before, or after the surgery or while in the area...came
to visit us in the recovery room on his way home after his last surgery- figuring we might still be there, and then called ME on my cell phone on my
way back to the hotel that night to make sure I had found the pharmacy!
I was so tired having been up the night before worried about the upcoming surgery, had had a long 9.5 hours at the hospital and he could tell, so he
offered to stay on the phone with me in traffic until I found the pharmacy-where the pharmacist was amazing too-I mean I couldn't have asked for a
better experience dealing with a stressful situation, you know? What kind of people do this?! Treat people so well? NYers! Of all people-amazing
people I tell you. I wouldn't want to live there (especially at 2k for a small apartment!) but its a nice place to visit or obtain medical care.
Rambling as usual! Anyway, thanks.