posted on Oct, 18 2003 @ 10:12 AM
-How items like box cutters and clay like substances have become the tools of terrorists in the minds of americans.
-How people in america seem to think their government is here to help them,look at your tax bill and ponder it's destination.
-How most americans think they still have any kind of constitutional rights,and do not realise that the constitution was written to control the
government from infringing on those rights they already had,yes had.
-How americans have surrendered their legal system to the attorneys instead of trying to learn how to deal with the courts themselves,a little
knowledge will save you a lot of money.
-How the US has gone to war on something that has no face,no country,no set location,and with the approval of the people,who now know the war was
started on lies.
-How people in the US trust the garbage that comes into their home from the media as resembling anything like truth,when it is almost all lies told
out of context to resemble the truth.
I could go on,but this is a waste of my time,you all can keep wasting yours.
Believe what you want to believe,but know this.
You are being dragged down a hole which was dug for someone else,that hole was dug by your government and it is where they should be going,not you and
Almost everything that happens in the world is orchestrated to drag you into this hole so your government will not have to pay for it's mistakes.
When you die in some war or terrorist event,just remember,it is death by proxy,it is you and me dying so the ones who are the cause of the trouble can
live on.
And they don't deserve to.