MOD NOTE: For those among us who haven't seen the movie, some plot spoliers follow.
Over the weekend I saw
The Village by M. Night Shyamalan for the second
time. Because I knew the plot I had some more time to do some "critical thinking" about the movie, plot and the idea behind it. So I started
thinking if it was such a bad idea. Going "back in time" as a solution to the current day state of affairs. High crime rates, fumbling economies,
death, murder, terrorism, et al.
Going back to basics so save humanity? This is what I came up with:
To create a society free of criminal acts, human tragedy, crime and "bad influence".
We'll need an isolated place – far away from any big cities or any high human traffic areas. But you’ll also need fair weather, fertile land and
a good water source. I’ll put my money into Botswana. A relative stable political region, with more than enough wide-open – isolated spaces –
and a fair enough amount naturally available fresh water (Towards the North/North-East) and fertile land. This is just a "random" choice of location
and won’t influence much. There are also plenty of areas with no aviation routes.
The "who" is obviously the most important factor. We'll need someone who wants to get out of the "bad" modern world. Let's say 20 families, i.e.
40 people plus say 20 kids. We don't want to many people in the community as too much diversity and personal differences will cause conflict. We want
"average" looking people – who all look more or less the same. We don't want attractive people, because it might cause jealousy and end up in
adultery or the likes. Our chosen people should also be off average to below average intelligence – as doing day-to-day manual labor will bore
"more" intelligent people and will not stay "satisfied" in isolation. The people should also be of excellent health with no (possible) genetic
To start off the project we'll need a huge capital amount. This is to cover the purchase of land, to keep the authorities happy (evading of taxes?)
and maybe to set-up a human taskforce to keep unwanted guests out. We'll need to build sturdy houses, barns, enough agricultural stock and livestock
to start off with. We'll also need basic medical supplies, material for clothes, basic furniture, tools and other basic necessities. It's clear that
we'll need quite a big amount to get the ball rolling – and enough to generate interest to cover above-mentioned "permanent" costs.
No firearms will be allowed. Religion will have to be removed. History taught us that religion can cause a lot of conflict. There will be no
"leader". All members of the community will be equals. There will be no monetary or system, i.e. no economy. No technology, no electricity and no
We won't need the "monster in the woods" to keep the people inside the village. They'll be volunteers.
Thus we send in the community. They are all "equal". They look the same. They have the same belongings. They have the same wives and husbands. They
grow their own food, make their own clothes, and build their own furniture and homes. And they live their lives in peace and quiet, sharing everything
– co-existing without problems. They live happily ever after.
Result of project "The Village":
So we created a little community that's self-sufficient. Free from modern day problems. No hate. No terrorism. No murder. No theft. No greed. A back
to basics "back in time" plan saved our 60 or so people's lives…?
Or did it? This idea of back to basics, simplicity and "equal sharing" is no new idea. Does the word communism and socialism ring any bells? Add a
whole lot of religion and you've got an Amish village – although they are not completely isolated, but the same principle applies. Makes you think
doesn't it? Is communism really that bad? Could communism or socialism rid us of our modern day problems and possible self-destruction? The answer?
Greed. Not to leave out Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth, Pride and Wrath. Human nature can never be accounted for in any setup of a community. The
Amish are doing not too bad (except maybe for genetic problems) for themselves but then you have to take away people's basic human rights.
"Forcing" everyone to commit to a single religion will never be a success. And in order for the "project" to work we need to take away
individuality. You take that away from any person and you’re sure to end up with a rebellion. I'm afraid Project "The Village" will be scrapped.
Communism, socialism, Marxism or the Amish may hold a key to resolving our modern day problems. But you need to compare the weight of your identity
against the weight of freedom, peace and quiet and a society without crime and death.
In my case my identity outweighs my need to escape crime by tons. Mr M. Night Shyamalan…. It was a good idea. But I'll have to decline.
[Edit: Spacing]
[edit on 8-5-2006 by Gemwolf]
[edit on 5/8/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]