posted on May, 10 2006 @ 02:20 PM
The Apologists-for-the-Warmongers-for-Profit are really going to have their work cut out for them now.
And that's fine. We know who pays the Apologists: we know whose backsides they have to suck. We expect them to be running around like cut-snakes
now and in the future ... trying to convince the intelligent majority that black-is-white when it comes to their Warmonger masters and the lies and
deceit they used to push the sheepies into war.
But it's the sheer stupidity of the Apologists-for-the-Warmongers that I object to.
Some movie producer once exclaimed: ' You must be stupid to think that I'm so stupid ! '. It's a classic. It sums up perfectly the idiocy of
those who -- because THEY themselves are so stupid --- judge everyone else to be as stupid as they are. It perfectly describes the ' Half-smarts'
of the world.
And the Apologists-for-the-Warmongers are Half-smarts at best. More accurately, they should be described as Quarter-smarts.
They seem they can fool us by DENYING and LYING and SPLITTING HAIRS about what their beloved master ---the Warmongers -- are now admitting to and/or
are failing to dispute.
It's a sad time, these days, for the Apologists-for-the-Warmongers.
Because this is the scheduled time for the planned Changing of the Guard. This is the planned time for the disgraced-exit of Rumsfeld and his ilk.
This is when they plan to publicly admit their sins before walking away to their luxurious retirement; funded by the blood of others.
But no-one TOLD the Apologists ! No-one WARNED them ! So now they're sitting here with their backsides exposed to the chilly winds. No-one plans
to reward the Rumsfeld Apologists for their loyal service to the Warmongers ! No luxurious retirement for the Apologists ! Instead, they've been
left out in the cold: left to desperately peddle their nonsense in forums. Left looking like the Quarter-smarts they are; defending Rumsfeld to the
end --- at the very same time Rumsfeld is publically admitting (verbally and by omission) to all his sins and clearing his desk.
So you have to feel a bit of sympathy for the Apologists-for-the-Warmongers. After all, they've been made idiots of, yet again, by the bloodthirsty
Warmongers they so idolised. Boo hoo