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Conflictions in flight 93 timeline and phone calls PROVE fabrication.

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posted on May, 4 2006 @ 04:23 PM
Here we have clear evidence of conflictions in the timeline proving fabrications in the official story.

This great post from Merc_The_Perp from another forum based on research from John Doe II and Nico Haupt from team8plus shows that Jeremy Glick and Tom Burnett would have already been rushing the cockpit while their wives were supposedly on the phone telling them about the collapse of the towers that didn't happen yet!

According to the cockpit voice recorders.......the fighting started at 9:57 so the calls from Burnett and Glick's wives would have had to have ended at least a couple of minutes before that. But the south tower didn't collapse until 9:59 yet it is referenced in the calls!

Check it out....

09:57:55 _ (Is there something?)

09:57:57 _ (A fight?)

09:54:59 _ (Yeah?)

09:58:33 _ Unintelligible. (Let's go guys. Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest. Oh guys. Allah is greatest.)

09:58:41 _ Ugh.

09:58:43 _ Ugh.

09:58:44 _ (Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Oh the most gracious.)

09:58:47 _ Ugh. Ugh.

09:58:52 _ Stay back.

09:58:55 _ In the cockpit.

09:58:57 _ In the cockpit.

09:58:57 _ (They want to get in here. Hold, hold from the inside. Hold from the inside. Hold).

09:59:04 _ Hold the door. (WTC2 is collapsing)

09:59:09 _ Stop him.

09:59:11 _ Sit down.

09:59:13 _ Sit down.

09:59:15 _ Sit down.

09:58:16 _ Unintelligible.

09:59:17 _ (What?)

09:59:18 _ (There are some guys. All those guys.)

09:59:20 _ Lets get them.

09:59:25 _ Sit down.

09:59:29 _ (What?)

09:59:30 _ (What.)

09:59:31 _ (What?)

09:59:36 _ Unintelligible.

09:59:37 _ (What?)

09:59:39 _ Unintelligible.

09:59:41 _ Unintelligible.

09:59:42 _ (Trust in Allah, and in him.)

09:59:45 _ Sit down.

09:59:47 _ Unintelligible.

09:59:53 _ Ahh.

09:59:55 _ Unintelligible.

09:59:58 _ Ahh.

10:00:06 _ (There is nothing.)

10:00:07 _ (Is that it? Shall we finish it off?)

10:00:08 _ (No. Not yet.)

10:00:09 _ (When they all come, we finish it off.)

10:00:11 _ (There is nothing.)

10:00:13 _ Unintelligible.

10:00:14 _ Ahh.

10:00:15 _ I'm injured.

10:00:16 _ Unintelligible.

10:00:21 _ Ahh.

10:00:22 _ (Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Oh Gracious.)

10:00:25 _ In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die.

10:00:29 _ (Up, down. Up, down, in the) cockpit.

10:00:33 _ (The) cockpit.

10:00:37 _ (Up, down. Saeed, up, down.)

10:00:42 _ Roll it.

10:00:55 _ Unintelligible.

10:00:59 _ (Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest.)

10:01:01 _ Unintelligible.

10:01:08 _ (Is that it? I mean, shall we pull it down?)

10:01:09 _ (Yes, put it in it, and pull it down.)

10:01:10 _ Unintelligible.

10:01:11 _ (Saeed.)

10:01:12 _ ... engine ...

10:01:13 _ Unintelligible.

10:01:16 _ (Cut off the oxygen.)

10:01:18 _ (Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen.)

10:01:34 _ Unintelligible.

10:01:37 _ Unintelligible.

10:01:41 _ (Up, down. Up, down.)

10:01:41 _ (What?)

10:01:42 _ (Up, down.)

10:01:42 _ Ahh.

10:01:53 _ Ahh.

10:01:54 _ Unintelligible.

10:01:55 _ Ahh.

10:01:59 _ Shut them off.

10:02:03 _ Shut them off.

10:02:14 _ Go.

10:02:14 _ Go.

10:02:15 _ Move.

10:02:16 _ Move.

10:02:17 _ Turn it up.

10:02:18 _ (Down, down.)

10:02:23 _ (Pull it down. Pull it down.)

10:02:25 _ Down. Push, push, push, push, push.

10:02:33 _ (Hey. Hey. Give it to me. Give it to me.)

10:02:35 _ (Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me.)

10:02:37 _ (Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me.)

10:02:40 _ Unintelligible.

10:03:02 _ (Allah is the greatest.)

10:03:03 _ (Allah is the greatest.)

10:03:04 _ (Allah is the greatest.)

10:03:06 _ (Allah is the greatest.)

10:03;06 _ (Allah is the greatest.)

10:03:07 _ No.

10:03:09 _ (Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.)

10:03:09 _ (Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.)

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 04:24 PM

Burnett made a second call, by which time Deena was watching the World Trade Centre collapse on television. Burnett fired a fusillade of questions: 'Are they commercial places?'

Jeremy Glick learnt the same news from his wife, Lyz, in upstate New York. 'Is that where we're going too?' he asked her. 'Unlikely,' said Lyz, 'there's nothing left to crash into.'

The South Tower collapsed at 9:59:04 am.

How is Deena Burnett able to tell her husband about or even watch the collapse at 9:59 if he is supposedly fighting with/breaking in the cockpit at 9:57. At 9:59 he would be rushing the cockpit with the othersaccording to the transcript.

The North Tower collapse at 10:28:31 am

This makes Liz' statement above a complete and total fabrication. Not only is it impossible for her to have seen the South Tower collapse and be able to tell Mark. But it is impossible for her to tell him "there's nothing left to crash into" when the final tower didn't collapse until nearly a half hour after his plane crashed. Other accounts have her telling him about the South Tower but this is still impossible because he was already rushing the cockpit.

Again, 9:57 is the time they started fighting. By that time they would obviously have to be off the phone.

From 9.57, the cockpit recorder picks up the sounds of fighting in an aircraft losing control at 30,000 feet - the crash of trolleys, dishes being hurled and smashed. The terrorists scream at each other to hold the door against what is obviously a siege from the cabin. A passenger cries: 'Let's get them!' and there is more screaming, then an apparent breach. 'Give it to me!' shouts a passenger, apparently about to seize the controls.

--Same Guardian Link

If the fighting started at 9:57, then that means the decision to fight back was finalized and the calls were ended by 9:55...

During this time, there apparently are no calls from Flight 93. Several cell phones that are left on record only silence. For instance, although Todd Beamer does not hang up, nothing more is heard after he puts down the phone, suggesting things are quiet in the back of the plane. [Longman, 2002] The only exception is Richard Makely, who listens to Jeremy Glick’s open phone line after Glick goes to attack the hijackers. A reporter summarizes Makely explaining that, “The silence last[s] two minutes, then there [is] screaming. More silence, followed by more screams. Finally, there [is] a mechanical sound, followed by nothing.” [San Francisco Chronicle, 10/17/2001] The second silence lasts between 60 and 90 seconds. [Longman, 2002]

Since the south tower was the first tower to collapse and it happened a few minutes AFTER they started rushing the cockpit it makes no sense at all what the wives said in the calls.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 04:30 PM
Maybe there was an error when syncronising the clock on the Recorder? My watch is one that sets itself ot the International time signal and sometimes that has errors, going minutes/hours out. Once it even displayed an impossible time like 10:64 or something stupid.
I don't know how they set the clocks on the Recorders but it's not impossible it's wrong?

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 04:36 PM
If that's what you are claiming then stick to it man.

This is the OFFICIAL timeline as was corroborated by the CVR (cockpit voice recorder) AS WELL AS the the FDR (flight data recorder).

The whole purpose of those instruments is to give accurate timelines.

But at least you can agree there is a serious confliction in the timeline if the data is indeed accurate.

[edit on 4-5-2006 by Jack Tripper]

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 05:47 AM

Burnett made a second call, by which time Deena was watching the World Trade Centre collapse on television. Burnett fired a fusillade of questions: 'Are they commercial places?'

Jeremy Glick learnt the same news from his wife, Lyz, in upstate New York. 'Is that where we're going too?' he asked her. 'Unlikely,' said Lyz, 'there's nothing left to crash into.'

I'm sorry have I just missed something here? Are you now saying that an article in newspaper is conclusive proof that the time scales were fabricated?

It is not at all plausible that you are totally misquoting what was actually said.

The paper says that Burnetts wife was watching the towers collapse are around about the time she was on the phone to her husband. So according to you this newspaper is split second precise in their timing and it not at all plausible they have just given approximate times?

It is not at all plausible That the passengers wife’s simply forgot the exact sequence of events and these chaps wifes in the confusion following such an horrific ordeal simply couldn't put together the precise words they used to there husbands. To actually expect people to remember the precise details of that day and the precise timing of very single word that was spoken is impossible. Don't believe me?

What were you doing on that day and who were you speaking to at exactly 14:23:09? What words did you use exactly and what were their replies? Are you absolutely sure you did not speak these word ten minutes later, or even ten minutes earlier?

In fact you took the words right out of my mouth.

Since the south tower was the first tower to collapse and it happened a few minutes AFTER they started rushing the cockpit it makes no sense at all what the wives said in the calls.

This is straw man grasping at the very least and you will have to produce much more than a newspaper article and a few quantum leaps to prove the tapes are forged.

Had you read the entire article you would have seen this admission from the author

No one will ever know how the plan to attack the terrorists was hatched,, except for an indication to The Observer from an analyst of the recorder that the scuffle began not at the back of the plane but at the front

EDIT... Infact saw me recordings of the phone calls that were made, with precise times against them and compare them to the times on the voice recorder. If there are any anomalies then maybe you will have a case.

[edit on 5-5-2006 by Stateofgrace]

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 09:29 AM
So the only explanations are.....

1) The clocks on the FDR and CVR were wrong.

2) The paper misquoted the wives or they were completely mistaken about what they said and saw the last moment they talked with their husbands.

Got it.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Jack Tripper
So the only explanations are.....

1) The clocks on the FDR and CVR were wrong.

2) The paper misquoted the wives or they were completely mistaken about what they said and saw the last moment they talked with their husbands.

Got it.

Since it is blatantly obvious the clocks are not wrong then you have offered up an alterative explanation, well done, keep it up.I'm sure if you tried really hard you could think of many more plausible explanations so I will leave to ponder them.
Got it.

[edit on 5-5-2006 by Stateofgrace]

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 10:56 AM
Universal removes flight 93 forum, couldn't keep up with the government conspiracy crowd armed with credible evidence that was hard to whitewash:

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 11:13 AM
From what I recall, his wife told him that the towers had been hit, NOT that they had collapsed. "Nothing left to crash into" could quite easily have meant that both towers had already been hit, so there was no reason for them to crash into them with more planes. What would be the point of ONLY hitting the two towers if they had more than two planes, when they could hit more targets and spread more terror, just like they did.

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 03:55 PM
You can believe that if you want but the phraseology is definitely odd if the towers hadn't collapsed yet.

Plus it was reported that Burnett's wife was watching the collapse as she was talking to him so in that case you would have to believe either:

1) The report is incorrect.

2) There is a confliction in the timeline.

posted on Feb, 14 2007 @ 08:11 PM
This however is a very legitimate question.

There is a wealth of questionable data presented in the official story.

Conflicts in the story are quite easy to find and there may be plenty more smoking guns to uncovered when these types of details are scrutinized.

Citizen Investigation Team will likely focus on questions like these as well as in the hijacker stories after the Pentagon information is released.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 06:10 PM
Actually, if United 93 is taken at face value, it is exceptionally damning and for a couple of facts that everyone is overlooking.

Firstly, it was calculated that it would take firement well over an hour to reach theseat of the blaze in the WTC because of the kit they were carrying. YET one man seems to have abandoned his stuff and sprinted to the seat of the blaze. Arriving there in just 30 minutes, he is recorded as having radioed back to the NYPD that was three storeys below the impact point and could only see three small blazes through the gashes in the floor that he was confident could be put out swiftly and easily. The tower collpased seconds later.

Now consider this. In the history of aviation, no plane had ever previously had a passenger revolt that had overhtrown highjackers. Neither Al Qaeda nor any conspirators could have foreseen this.

Furthermore, the original flight black box recorder ran until 10.06. There was an explosion at 10.03, followed by some groaning, creaking of metal and rushing of air. A second explosion occured at 10.06. The recorder stopped split seconds later. Now, the testimony of the people on the phone matches with this. In a 90 odd minute flight, the plane was hit by an explosion seconds after the passengers had overrun the flight deck.

These coincidences are outrageous. The conclusion is simple. Each of the Towers of the WTC was brought down, PRECISELY BECAUSE the NYPD had reached the seat of the blaze and the firement had become witnesses. Likewise, Flight 93 was shot down NOT because it had been hijacked, but PRECISELY BECAUSE THE PASSENGERS had overrun it and would have become vital witnesses.

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 12:03 PM
Let's make it clear

Demolition charges were planted in the Towers long before the planes arrived

Flight 93 was shot down by USAF after the terrorists were overrun.

The Pentagon was "hit" by a bomb, no plane ever crashed into a building without leaving the ground untouched.

So now, the NSA can come to my house and kill me. Carry my words, take over my crusaaaaaa.....


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