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NOAA: Human Activity Heats Up Hurricane Alley

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posted on May, 4 2006 @ 12:01 PM
A new study put out by the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory says a region in the Atlantic basin where tropical systems develop is notably warmer and has been caused largely by anthropogenic forcing (human caused change).

The region of the tropical Atlantic where many hurricanes originate has warmed by several tenths of a degree Celsius over the 20th century, and new climate model simulations suggest that human activity, such as increasing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, may contribute significantly to this warming.

"This very long-term increase in temperature may seem small but is comparable in magnitude to shorter time-scale, multi-decadal changes that many scientists now believe contribute strongly to an increase in hurricane activity in the Atlantic," said Thomas Knutson, lead author of the paper and a senior research meteorologist at GFDL. "The challenge is to understand the relative roles of anthropogenic and natural factors in producing these temperature changes—and this study is a step in that direction—and then to determine whether and how these long-term changes in temperature could be affecting Atlantic hurricane activity."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Hurricane Alley Heats Up LiveScience

Water temperatures in areas where hurricanes form in the Atlantic Ocean have warmed up over the past century and human activity could be the reason, scientists report.

A hurricane spawning region in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa has experienced more extreme temperature variation than other areas, according to new computer simulations that tease out the long-term change from other known variations that can last decades. The water temperature in this "hurricane alley" has risen several tenths of a degree Celsius over the 20th century.

Such models that include human activity are more realistic than those that only take into account natural forces and effects.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

More info:
New Models Suggest Human Activity Adds to Ocean Warming
La Nina will have no effect on 2006 Atlantic hurricanes PhysOrg
Global Warming and Hurricanes NOAA GFDL

Above average tropical storm intensity and increased volume is still the trend, and it will be interesting to see how these new findings effect the forecast for this year's hurricane season that begins on June 1st.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 01:09 PM
Add to that the loss of rain forest doing more damage to the geosphere there.

I've been stuck in some mighty long traffic jams on some of those Island nations and let me tell you, it's best to plan to be off the roads at rush hour if you're a tourist. That ain't no way to spend a holiday. Gas fumes, blah... The trade winds pretty much carry them away though.

Smart islanders drive scooters, save gas, and carry rain gear. They can make their own lane.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 09:10 PM
didn't feel like starting a new thread and this seems to relate...

now if this is true, this is very concerning to us who have face the threat of hurricanes this year.

Gulf of Mexico much warmer than last year

Apparently, there have been an awful lot of cloudless days down there, allowing the sunlight to really heat up the water and produce unseasonably warm SSTs. I’ve gotten a couple of e-mails about this, one from Eric of Erictek, a Purdue student, who compared the maps on this website and concluded that the water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico about three weeks ahead of where they were last year.

click the link and check out the maps, if this trend continues, we'll be seeing monster storms August thru October.


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