posted on May, 3 2006 @ 04:27 PM
Hi! All
First of all I apologize if my ignorance offends someone concerning political affairs. It seems so complicated, so bizarre I simply do not pay
attention to it. Nothing is black or white; there are 256 gray shades, and 256 more depending of the glasses you are wearing, so on and so forth, ...
May be some reading this post will be kind enough to redirect me to some ... let's say ... site, where I can read a real (ops!) explanation about the
I never understood China's purpose when the took Nepal. Under my point of view thre's absolutely nothing there. As far as I can see (ok! I realize
may be I can't see beyond my nose) does not gather any feature for such a big and powerful country to invade it. Unless China was interested in moss
and lichen harvests for their Agriculture Dept. :-)))
Thx in advance