Thats a trick challenge. We are not going to war with Iran first. We will go to war with N.K. Not saying we are not ever going to go to war with
Iran, but I am saying that by the time we can touch them, which is pretty far down the road, no one is going to care about your $ they will be too
busy learning how to rough it with out electricity.
eh, never mind. Just saw the news. Looks like it might be soon. Dont need a psychic for that. Too bad they cant all just get along like good
little school kids. I am so tired of the pissing contest between all these "leaders". * yea your short, deal with it, it and keep your hands and
guns to yourself *
most of you are saying pretty soon but im gonna go with november, the second week of november to be a little more exact..dont ask why... i just am
guessing that for some reason