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Mothman, I don't get the Moth part

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posted on May, 2 2006 @ 02:04 PM
Well. Almost everybody probably heard of the great Mothman.
But after all of those things i've heard and read. I still don't get it why they call him the Mothman. Was he flying?No. (yes they said he could jump and bounce high, But thats why they call him Springheel Jack) Did he have wings? (yeah. a little heroic cape. can't call that wings éh? and if he had wings. Why the Moth part? Birds have wings to you know...)
But still. I can't find any connections/links between a Moth and Springheel jack/Mothman.
Does anyone know why they call him Mothman?
Maybe he ate everybodies clothes. Hehe
I was just wondering. Did someone even noticed?

- MB

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 02:28 PM
"Mothman" was John Keel's take on the entity. Some witness he interviewed seemed to think it resembled a moth in some way, although I don't think it had to do with eating holes in sweaters or being attracted to the back porch light.

The similarities have to do with the height, the black cape-thing, the glowing red eyes, and the jumping/flying around. Springheel Jack was heavily fictionalized, so some of the details got jumbled but the basic description is a good match.

This particular entity has been reported here and there in association with "high strangeness" events, including UFO sightings, "demon" attacks, visits by the MIB, possible time travel intervention, and so on. It's some kind of intelligent humanoid, apparently. Reports of the entity itself go way back into history, with the description matching a number of spooky critters. Sounds a little like vampires, including Count Dracula, doesn't it? Devils and demons.

Mothman is one of those things that people sometimes get a feeling that maybe it's not entirely "real" in the way we typically understand reality. It's been suggested that it may be some kind of thought projection, or tulpa. So it's a difficult thing to get good information on. It's too weird for the serious UFO investigators to want to investigate (they don't want weird junk to taint the field), and too infrequent and too human-like for cryptozoologists to delve into. So evidence is scant, as are studies.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 08:22 AM
It was actually named after a villain in that ooooold Batman series ( you know, the KAPOW, WHOOSH one).

The news of the strange sightings spread around the world. The press dubbed the odd flying creature “Mothman”, after a character from the popular Batman television series of the day.

From Here

Check the site out, it's pretty good.

[edit on 3-5-2006 by JackofBlades]

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Enkidu
"Mothman" was John Keel's take on the entity. Some witness he interviewed seemed to think it resembled a moth in some way, although I don't think it had to do with eating holes in sweaters or being attracted to the back porch light.

Well. The eating holes in sweaters was actually a joke.
But after all of those pictures and drawings is saw. He doesn't look like a moth actually. More a... bat-ish kind of thing.

Originally posted by Enkidu
The similarities have to do with the height, the black cape-thing, the glowing red eyes, and the jumping/flying around. Springheel Jack was heavily fictionalized, so some of the details got jumbled but the basic description is a good match..

Well. I think this is going to sound sutpdi but. Does a Moth have red eyes? Don't think so. Is a moth black? I thought they were grey/white ish if i am correct.
And untill now. I understand the Spingheel jack part ofcourse. But i still can't find much connections between them.

Originally posted by Enkidu
This particular entity has been reported here and there in association with "high strangeness" events, including UFO sightings, "demon" attacks, visits by the MIB, possible time travel intervention, and so on. It's some kind of intelligent humanoid, apparently. Reports of the entity itself go way back into history, with the description matching a number of spooky critters. Sounds a little like vampires, including Count Dracula, doesn't it? Devils and demons.

So. Now you're saying it does sound a little like a demon-ishh ''man.
And now you're saying it. What if it actually was a (God i hate this word) Super natural being? Wich maybe escaped or something? And i mostly don't believe in the supernatural thing, but they said he could bounce all around etc.
Or he just took years of practise, hehe.
''He'' could be alot of things. As you asid before, Demon, Vampire, Maybe alien humanoid.. it just could go in alot of directions.

Originally posted by Enkidu
Mothman is one of those things that people sometimes get a feeling that maybe it's not entirely "real" in the way we typically understand reality. It's been suggested that it may be some kind of thought projection, or tulpa. So it's a difficult thing to get good information on. It's too weird for the serious UFO investigators to want to investigate (they don't want weird junk to taint the field), and too infrequent and too human-like for cryptozoologists to delve into. So evidence is scant, as are studies.

Well yeah. It is kind of hard to believe in the Mothman.
But, How do you know really for sure that those people saw mothman? Some people saw mothman also around the mid 40's. But by then. Mothman should be a 100 years old. Maybe it just were people who wanted to bring some adventure ore exitement in their life.
And I think we probably would never find the real truth behind the Mothman.
As you said. The research and the information is infrequent. And so it goes in alot of directions. if you actually collet all the data. You can see that it's all very different. the one says he's dragon like and skinny. And then the other one sais ''he'' had huge eyes and short arms, You know, like that.
So. ( This probably sounds dumb..) I still don't know exactly why they all him MOTHman. I do understand the Springheel jack thing, But not the Moth part.
Sorry for asking that again.

- MB

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
It was actually named after a villain in that ooooold Batman series ( you know, the KAPOW, WHOOSH one).

The news of the strange sightings spread around the world. The press dubbed the odd flying creature “Mothman”, after a character from the popular Batman television series of the day.

From Here

Check the site out, it's pretty good.

Well. It's a pretty good site. But then again. The pictures are again very different than the others.
I am starting to understand the Moth part a little more.
But didn't they call the Mothman also Springheel jack? Was it ?

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 03:42 PM
No, the "moth" term doesn't fit particularly well. But then neither does the term "flying saucer" fit all UFO sightings. Sometimes things just get called something because they're so unusual that they (the witnesses) don't know what else to call them. "Mothman" is what a few people -- not all -- call this particular type of entity, but it's not the absolute, definitive term for it. If I were you, I wouldn't concentrate so much on the NAME, but instead try to get an understanding of its general appearance and behavior. It's generally more "bat-like" but "Batman" was already taken.

As for the sightings being hundreds of years apart, maybe there are a whole race of these things that come to visit now and then from wherever they come from... space or another time, or dimension, or wherever. Hard to say. It's probably not the same creature showing up all the time, but with time dilation at relativistic speeds, maybe it could be. Could be these things are responsible for our popular notions of vampires, or "evil spirits" or "devils." Actually, the chupacabra has some similar descriptions, too.

They sound pretty scary, although I don't recall the witnesses never report them doing anything specifically evil (except maybe for the chupacabra). They're creepy looking, but maybe they're really nice and friendly underneath. Next time you see one, ask it.

But you can see why there aren't a million photos or videos of it. It's one of the more obscure "alien" types, and we don't get very many (if any) good pictures of the most popular alien types as it is.

[edit on 3-5-2006 by Enkidu]

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 06:24 PM
Springheel Jack wasn't like mOthman at all. He actually spoke to people, masqueraded as a policeman and attacked (women) n broad day rather than fly around screaming and scaring. His attacks were so sever the mayor of london made him an enemy of the country or sumthing like that.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
Springheel Jack wasn't like mOthman at all. He actually spoke to people, masqueraded as a policeman and attacked (women) n broad day rather than fly around screaming and scaring. His attacks were so sever the mayor of london made him an enemy of the country or sumthing like that.

Yes that is true, indeed.
But i know i read a couple of weeks ago. Something about a link between Springheel Jack and Mothman. (i'll edit this post when i found that article)
They said (Ahh great, another story about the Mothman and Jack) That jack was actually a '' Immortal bouncer'' or something like that. And he returned in the 20th century again, Like some.. comeback.
I can't remember more about it, I'll look it up on the web again.

- MB

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Enkidu
No, the "moth" term doesn't fit particularly well. But then neither does the term "flying saucer" fit all UFO sightings. Sometimes things just get called something because they're so unusual that they (the witnesses) don't know what else to call them. "Mothman" is what a few people -- not all -- call this particular type of entity, but it's not the absolute, definitive term for it. If I were you, I wouldn't concentrate so much on the NAME, but instead try to get an understanding of its general appearance and behavior. It's generally more "bat-like" but "Batman" was already taken.

Yes indeed. The flying saucer description doesn't make kind of sense to. But you know, When people are in the middle of attention and saw things nobody else saw or just something special, they mostly also make up some things to add some extra juice to the story. You know what i mean. Sometimes they also overreact the things.
Well i am not very interested in Mothman, But this suddenly came up on me.
But as you said before, the witnesses said Mothman had a bat ish kind of shape.
But i've read also some dais he looked like a dragon with green stripes on his back.
I also heard a guy who said he saw Mothman that the Mothman looked like a combination between a goat-ish devil and a mosquito etc.
So they're all making some things up.So it's all going in different directions.

Originally posted by Enkidu
As for the sightings being hundreds of years apart, maybe there are a whole race of these things that come to visit now and then from wherever they come from... space or another time, or dimension, or wherever. Hard to say. It's probably not the same creature showing up all the time, but with time dilation at relativistic speeds, maybe it could be. Could be these things are responsible for our popular notions of vampires, or "evil spirits" or "devils." Actually, the chupacabra has some similar descriptions, too.

A whole race..
never thought of that!
But the Mothman seems actually a little bit of all the Mythical beasts and creatures..
The wings: dragon like. The screams it made: Chupacabra. The eyes: vampire.
As you said before. i could come from a other dimension. Maybe through a portal? Or maybe it just has powers to travel through dimensions.
But let's go to the ''a entire race'' part again. What if they are studying us? And those witnesses found them by accident? Maybe they're trying to dominate us slowly? and are in human bodies? It could go in ALOT of directions again.
Or it was just a joke, and there were some followers...

Originally posted by Enkidu
They sound pretty scary, although I don't recall the witnesses never report them doing anything specifically evil (except maybe for the chupacabra). They're creepy looking, but maybe they're really nice and friendly underneath. Next time you see one, ask it.

But you can see why there aren't a million photos or videos of it. It's one of the more obscure "alien" types, and we don't get very many (if any) good pictures of the most popular alien types as it is.

Well. I don't think someone will just go to it and ask: Do you want to hurt me? or, are you good? I mean. It is a unknown creature, and we humans would just run away and scream like hell. You gotta be tougher than Stallone to just ask the Mothman a question like that.
But then again. Maybe it is lonely? or went by accident through a gate and is confused? Maybe those witnesses overreacted about it and said it was fearsome.
And most of the pictures are also drawed/animated or just a little dumbnut in a suit.
Although i never have seen a really GOOD picture. You probably haven't neither.

- MB

[edit on 4-5-2006 by meridian_blood_29387423]

[edit on 4-5-2006 by meridian_blood_29387423]

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 03:27 PM
Actually there may be similarities bewteen Jack and MM.

According to legend, the first reports of a strange leaping figure sighted in London date back to 1837; some descriptions tell of a strange monster, half-man half-bat, complete with wings and horns. Others refer to a powerfully built man in a shiny suit with a helmet and cloak, spitting fire.

Although his wings (as described above) could just be his cape.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
Actually there may be similarities bewteen Jack and MM.

According to legend, the first reports of a strange leaping figure sighted in London date back to 1837; some descriptions tell of a strange monster, half-man half-bat, complete with wings and horns. Others refer to a powerfully built man in a shiny suit with a helmet and cloak, spitting fire.

Although his wings (as described above) could just be his cape.

Ahh yes! Finally someone who noticed it.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 08:51 AM
"You're more advanced than a cockaroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one?"
-Mothman Prophecies

If you are looking for hard evidence stop now because you wont find any. That is why I love this field there are no hard answers and it always leaves you thinking.

The Springheeled Jack thing is starting to get on my nerves because it is abundantly clear that he was a man with a couple gadgets. The majority of people believe, which I'm sure this site will not, that he was an Irishman named The Marquess of Waterford. The last sighting of him was in 1904. I do not know why you think their is any connection between the two, for example Springheeled Jack was never seen outside of the British Isles, the Mothman has been spotted from Russia to America. And the so called visual similarities you speak my opinion there are none.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Baphomet79
"You're more advanced than a cockaroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one?"
-Mothman Prophecies

If you are looking for hard evidence stop now because you wont find any. That is why I love this field there are no hard answers and it always leaves you thinking.

Well. I don't think there is hard evidence about the Mothman (or Springheel Jack)
You do find sometimes movies, pictures etc. But hey, We got photoshop and other things these days. it's hard to trust a picture or a movie in this age.
And yes. I always leaves you thinking. And the more ''evidence'' you find. The more questions rise up. And the harder the case becomes.

Originally posted by Baphomet79
The Springheeled Jack thing is starting to get on my nerves because it is abundantly clear that he was a man with a couple gadgets. The majority of people believe, which I'm sure this site will not, that he was an Irishman named The Marquess of Waterford. The last sighting of him was in 1904. I do not know why you think their is any connection between the two, for example Springheeled Jack was never seen outside of the British Isles, the Mothman has been spotted from Russia to America. And the so called visual similarities you speak my opinion there are none.

Well yes. he could have some gadgets. He was bouncing etc.
Maybe he was the Einstein of his age. Or he just had invented some cool inventions. Well i never heard or read about the part : ''That he was an Irishman named The marquess of Waterford''. Were did he get that name?
But if i am correct. The first sighting of Springheel Jack was in 1840/1830
Doesn't that make him over the 70/60 years old when his last sighting occurd?
And the people of that age only became around the 30/40 years old if i am correct.
So that reminds me. I read some people here call him and the mothman a supernatural being. IF that is true (wich i highly doubt) He maybe had a longer life duraation than the human. Ahh. The more information and evidence you get, The more and harder you'll think.

- MB

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 09:32 AM
I don't think the truth will come up though..

[edit on 12-5-2006 by meridian_blood_29387423]

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 01:23 AM
the interesting thing about this mothman creature is the fact that he has an amazing similarity to another creature here at ATS and that would be the dreaded reptilians, the similarity between the two where the blood interest's intersect mainly the menstral cycle of women is seemingly more than coincidence!!

check out the satanic ritual testamony of arizona wilder and the thing that strikes me as similar about these two creatures is the menstral blood coveted by both creatures thus it is my belief that the mothman is indeed one of satan's fallen cohort's. the mothman has been known to chase women on their mensral cycles.

very disturbing creatures these are:

Homes throughout the little towns were plagued with unearthly noises and ghostly manifestations while mysterious aerial lights traveled silently overhead seemingly on a regular schedule. Winged monsters and frightening apparitions terrified the population as automobiles stalled and telephones and TV sets ran amok. A Red Cross Bloodmobile filled with fresh blood was pursued along a darkened highway by a weird flying machine. Domestic animals were found slaughtered and mutilated in pastoral farm fields. Innocent people lived in surrealistic horror, haunted by the fearsome demonic "Bird" and besieged by legions of strange beings (some of which arrived in ordinary-looking automobiles

unless you come to jesus you have no power over these beings

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 01:42 AM
also here is another site dealing with this creature:

i found this on another thread dealing with this creature...

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
the interesting thing about this mothman creature is the fact that he has an amazing similarity to another creature here at ATS and that would be the dreaded reptilians, the similarity between the two where the blood interest's intersect mainly the menstral cycle of women is seemingly more than coincidence!!

Well. The Mothman doesn't have only one similarity to reptilians. But if you read carefully all the descriptions of Mothman. It actually has a little bit of the Chupacaba, The screams it made. The Greys, The large big eyes. The blood sucking/drinking of the Mothman, Vampires. And the large wings it had, Dragons (maybe some other mythical creatures to). Although i never thought about the Reptilian theory, Good one. But although a Moth isn't a reptile looking creature. Nobody knows what it looks like exactly.

Originally posted by the_sentinal
check out the satanic ritual testamony of arizona wilder and the thing that strikes me as similar about these two creatures is the menstral blood coveted by both creatures thus it is my belief that the mothman is indeed one of satan's fallen cohort's. the mothman has been known to chase women on their mensral cycles.!!

Well first things first. How do you know the Devil exist? There hasen't been any approval for the Devils existence. But then again, Also none for is dissaproval though. But it could be true. Maybe it is Hells outcast?
But this sounds a little cliché to me. They're always after the woman.
And now you're saying Mothman has a connection to Hell/Satan. Were those womans virgins? Just a question, It has occurd alot lately. About satanismic people. Sacraficing female virgins. But then again. Mothman could be a creature (just a theory) from another antarel/parralel dimension? That maybe there was created some ''portal'' in that other world. And Mothman accedently went through it? There are alot of theories of traveling to other dimensions. Black holes, Spinnign around the earth with very very intense high speed etc.
Okay, i'm slightly getting off the chase so i'd better quit with the other dimension part.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
also here is another site dealing with this creature:

i found this on another thread dealing with this creature...

Thanks for the site. I looked on it a little.
And what the hell? Is there even a Mothman museum

Maybe Mothman was just a way to attract tourists and media attention. Now i saw this. Thanks again.

- MB

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 04:52 AM
actually the other dimension your talking about if i'm correct would be the forth dimension and people on ATS talk quite alot about the reptilians being from that dimension also. it's my opinion that the forth dimension is the spirit realm. i cannot prove that of coarse but it is my belief that these beings as we come closer to the end times will show themselves more and more.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
actually the other dimension your talking about if i'm correct would be the forth dimension and people on ATS talk quite alot about the reptilians being from that dimension also. it's my opinion that the forth dimension is the spirit realm. i cannot prove that of coarse but it is my belief that these beings as we come closer to the end times will show themselves more and more.

Well. Actually. the spirit dimension is said to be the second dimension.
Because some say, it's the lower realm. And everyone who does goes to the lower realm. Although i don't believe that theory much. I don't even believe the fort, fifth etc. dimension theories. Although it is smart to number the dimensions.
Maybe Mothman is from the Twillight Zone? Anything is possible.


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