posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 02:49 PM
If you intend to claim ignorance -- if you intend to claim innocence -- if your own survival depends upon claiming both of these at the same time as
you wish to deny responsibility for your own crimes ..... then you might (if you were false claimant to high office and currently engaged in ongoing
crimes) try to persuade those who could destroy you by continuing to claim there really are 'terrorists' under every bed. Just as other
administrations attempted to persuade there were communists under every bed.
It's called 'pointing the finger of blame'. We were told the Japanese --- alone --- were responsible for Pearl Harbour. We were told disgruntled,
depressed children --- alone -- were responsible for school shooting massacres. We were told Germans --- alone --- were responsible for WW2.
When we were children, some of insisted that our sibling --- alone -- was responsible for raiding the cookie-jar and breaking a neighbour's window
with a baseball.
When you're a President or Minster for Defence, it get's easier ... but they still utilize techniques which worked for them as children. Name and
blame. Deny personal responsibility.
So now we see powerful people denying they played any role in the destruction of internationally-famous New York landmarks plus the murder of 3,000
innocent individuals. It wasn't the US government who perpetrated that foul act Mom --- no, it was the terrorists who done it. And to prove it, men
and women under my command, namely the FBI, have been instructed to 'investigate' people chosen at random so that my administration can release that
information to the world at large. Brilliant plan, isn't it Mom? It throws the finger of suspicion right away from me and has the advantage of
creating that all-necessary anxiety amongst the US population. When they're anxious and worrying that THEY might be next, they're less likely to
criticise me and my administration. And by turning my FBI against the US public, it programmes people into believing that 'terrorists' might even
be real. Aren't I a genius, Mom? And don't forget Mom, I'm the one who also coined 'misunderestimated' and ' fish and humans can live in