Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
If Christ is who we are meant to believe he is, he would now be fully aware of what is said and done in his name, and on his return his righteous
wrath would not be believed; he would be summarily executed by some trumped-up goon squad, like the first time around.
Hmmm...consider this...
On Christ's second time around here & considering that he's already likely to be quite *aware* of how people are, what makes you think he'd come
back & leave himself vulnerable to *any* goon squad (no matter how much it's been "trumped up") to end his mission before he's finished it
Originally posted by helen670
God commands Moses to prepare holy oil and anoint the tabernacle with it: it shall be an holy anointing oil.
Were you aware that this was an old Egyptian custom that's older than Moses? Yes, Moses grew up in Egypt, was raised like an Egyptian & quite
possibly even a regular attendant of the royal courts; Much of what Moses contributed to the old Herbrew religion had its basis in Egypt...
In particular, the "annoiting with holy oil" was a common ceremony performed on an Egyptian who had just gained some new job-title by the Pharoah.
It was done to symbolize the person's new authority under Pharaoh.
Moses' obsession for cleanliness & the long list of "clean foods" are a couple of noteworthy examples of what he "added" to the religion...So it
makes one wonder if that was something that God actually told Moses to do or is it something that Moses told everyone else that it's what God
Originally posted by helen670
Those that go on making smart remarks about the Church being all man made do not know the great significance of the word CHURCH.....
So, is this true?...Or merely something that *someone* with power in the early Church wanted everyone to believe & made sure that "Scripture" got
ammended to include this?...
You decide.
Originally posted by bigsage
i believe that if one chooses to ignore the divine right of a persons soul, and continues to judge other lives based on textual facts written in a
book and then corroborate those judgements based on CHRIST's life one would be safe to assume that they are not actually following the Great Father
or their soul but the views and judgements of other persons....
This is *exactly* what the basis of "Organized Religion" is & always has been. By following the tenants of what *someone else* thinks of God, you
are only becoming more attached to that person or organization & less attached to God. Do your own research & see the actual origins of the "dogma"
that The Church promotes for its own favor. Contemplate your own view on who & what God is to *you*; Don't let anyone else dictate what you learn &
believe; If you do, than your faith is not in God, but another human & human-based organization. No one needs to go to a church or talk to a priest to
find God because if you can't find God from within yourself, then you won't find Him in a building or in the words of another human being...But The
Church *wants* you to believe that you need it; If the Church taught the *real* truth, they'd be putting themselves out of a job.
Organized Religion is merely someone else seeking to interpose themselves between you & God. That's what Hell really is...You being seperated from
God & it's always been instigated & promoted by the organization of religion itself.
Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Though I would care not if Christ would return nor would any other religion who do not follow Jesus I believe.
Perhaps what is meant is that Christ would not be returning *in the body* per se, but more as a growing & spreading of his beliefs & morals upon the
population...If it's not Christ himself who faces the anti-christ, it would then be those of true faith, in hordes, who would be rising up to stop
the machinations & break the control of the anti-christ.
Originally posted by bigsage
actually he never left...
and his resurgence is right on time, what a good fellow...
If you carry the spirit of the divine within yourself, then this is closer to the truth than Organized Religion would be willing to admit. In a case
like this, there would be *no* goon squad able to stop the Spirit of Christ. The "ruling elite" are *always* vastly outnumbered by the "oppressed
peasants"...The only way to stop such overwhelming numbers would be to destroy the whole of the world itself (or, at least, destroying the world's
ability to support human life at all).
The "ruling elite" are not likely to go that far because they'd be destroying themselves as well...They're too greedy for their own lives & power
to understand what "self-sacrifice" means.