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Iran DOES NOT pose a significant threat to US or Isreal!! Here's why.

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posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 03:04 PM
This thred is in response to the various "Nuke Iran" posts that have been posted all over ATS as of late.

To anyone who thinks we should nuke Iran, I would say don't let the media do your thinking for you. At least make an attempt to reason the matter through on your own before acting like parrots in response to what you see on TV.

First of all, if Iran truly wanted to get WMD's in order to nuke Isreal or America, wouldn't it be easier (and less time consuming) to simply BUY them from the Russians?

I'm not an expert on the underground Russian nuclear weapons black market by any means, but from what I understand, they (WMD's) CAN BE AQUIRED for about 20 to 30 million US dollars. For a country that's the forth largest producer of oil in the world, that should be chump change.

Secondly, if they truly were rushing to build a bomb or bombs, don't you think they (the Irainians) know what would happen to them in turn? Don't you think they haven't thought about that? If they nuked Isreal, don't you think THEY KNOW that they in turn would be nuked? Do you think Iran WANTS to be nuked?

If they were rushing to build a bomb, how many of them could they really produce? One?? Two? Six??Certainly not enough to "wipe Isreal off the face off the earth" let alone the US.

Thirdly, the whole reason we invaded Iraq was because they "have weapons of mass destruction." Skip ahead 3 years later, and lo and behold, they DON'T have WMD's. But the fact they didn't have them never caused the US to pull out. In otherword, Saddam Hussein was telling the truth all along when he said there are no WMD's in Iraq.

Yes I know Saddam used gas on the Kurds, and I am not a "sympathizer" with "rogue nations", but the whole line that "Iran is working at breakneck speed to build a bomb so they can nuke Isreal" doesn't make any sense.

Don't get me wrong. We (the US) ARE GOING TO INVADE Iran. But not because they're working to build a bomb. It's all about the oil, and because Iran isn't going along with the program as far as the NWO goes. Can't have that. They need to tow the line. Follow the money trail, and specifically, Irans banking system.

To those who think we should nuke Iran, Ok, let's say we do, then what?
We've eliminated their "nuclear weapons program" but now the whole middle east is contaminated for 100 years. Sounds like killing the patient in order to cure the disease. If we nuke Iran, we're going to create more problems than any "weapons programs" would ever present. If you think there's problems in the Middle East now, just wait till we nuke Iran. Iran could be aptly described as Iraq 2.

Nuking Iran would set a terrible precedant. But we might. After all Bush is low in the polls and "needs" another war to "secure his place in history." And besides that "God told him to do it." Right?

I can't positively confirm this but have have read that US satlilites can pinpoint enriched uraniam to a few feet from space. If that's true it means WE KNEW Iraq did not have WMD's but still invaded them anyway.

I do not agree with the Irainian form of government, I'm not a muslim, I'm not a "terrorsist sympathizer", but I don't think Iran is ANYWHERE NEAR as big of a deal in relation to other countries as what they're being made out to be. I know I'm going to get alot of flak for this, but really think about it. Does the "official" position on Iran by the media really make any sense? Really?

posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 08:31 PM
us isn't going to invade iran and a military strike against iran will end in disaster..
iran probably has nukes already, thats why they build missiles specifically designed to carry nuclear warheads like a multiple targeting, domestically manufactured upgraded version of the shahab 3..

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 04:30 AM
I also believe it doesnt make any sense for Iran to nuke Israel or any other country, both politcally or religiously.. But I guess some people who want to see an attack on Iran will believe anything.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:46 AM
I agree that we should let bygones be bygones and but the hell out of Iran's business. Do I think it will happen with the current administration? nah.

I will admit I waa one of those ones who followed bush blindly and now feel kinda like an ass but I will be damned if I do it again

your absolutely right that there are far easier ways to obtain nuclear weapons.....

I thin Iran is motivated by 1. national defense and pride 2. to a degree, yes they are telling the truth about generating power with it.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:16 AM
I never understood why Iran should not be allowed to have nuclear capabilities in the first place. Who is the U.N. or the U.S. to determine which country can have them and which country not?

I am much more worried now because there isn´t a balanced situation in the Middle East with Israël having nuclear weapons, and other countries like Iran do not.

Even if Ahmadinejad at times is a bit harsh in his statements, even if Iran is a Muslim state, this does not give Israël nor any other country or organization the right to deny them nuclear power nor weapons.

What are they going to do? Drop 100 megatons on Tel Aviv and commit suicide by doing so? Not very likely is it? I would be very, very frustrated if I were president of a country which has a lot of potential for science advancement, and I were told by an outside entity I cannot develop my country because they say so. (If you want my nuke you gotta pry it from my cold dead fingers

Let them have nuclear power and WMD I say. It is any country´s right if it has the proven capabilities. Look at Pakistan and India. No one complaining there (anymore). The fact that they both have WMD keeps the situation safe.

Chezz, great post but shouldn´t this go into PTS as this reeks of Politics?

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

I will admit I waa one of those ones who followed bush blindly and now feel kinda like an ass but I will be damned if I do it again

Well, at least you woke up and opened your eyes, so you can be proud of that.

Feel sorry for those Sheeple who have not.

If Iran had nuclear weapons, they would not nuke Israel, for it will nuke Palestinians also, meaning the Muslim World, would condemn along with the rest of the world.

Also, Israel and The US would nuke Iran ten fold at the very least, and Mullahs, for all their martyring talk (They won't be the ones martyring, just like Bush and Co won't be the ones fighting and dying) want to live and enjoy the excesses and abuses of power, like Bush, Cheney and Co.

Iran getting nuclear weapons would be as a defence, saying "You attack us, we hurt you." And that is the rule of all nuclear armed nations.

So if the US, UK, Russia, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea (?) can have them, why can't Iran?

Another arguement made is that Iran upon getting nukes, would givem them to Hezbollah or Palestinian militant groups to use against Israel.

Iran has Chemical and Biological weapons. Why have they not given these just as deadly weapons to Hezbollah and the Palestinian groups to use?

There's been an itching by right-wing neocons to get Iran back since The Iranian Revolution, the hostage crisis, (which in itself was a safeguard to make sure the CIA did not attempt to counter the Iranian's choice of government like they did in 1953, overthrowing the democratically elected Iranian leader and imposing the Shah) and the Iranian overthrow of the US puppet that was the tyrant Shah.

The War Machine is hungry for war, as are the PNAC's and it's affiliates.

Dark times my friends, dark times.

I wonder, in this world of warmongers and greedy corporate barons, whether my Neice will survive her childhood unharmed.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Regensturm
Dark times my friends, dark times. I wonder, in this world of warmongers and greedy corporate barons, whether my Neice will survive her childhood unharmed.

I fear for my daughter for exactly the same reason. Inspiring post Regensturm.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by HardToGet

I fear for my daughter for exactly the same reason. Inspiring post Regensturm.

History is being written as we speak. Will it be a history that future generations will look back upon with disgust, or will there indeed, be no future generations to review the history that is now, the present because of what may unfolds.

The horror of it all.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Chezz
First of all, if Iran truly wanted to get WMD's in order to nuke Isreal or America, wouldn't it be easier (and less time consuming) to simply BUY them from the Russians?

Buy a nuke or some nukes? Who dare to sell them to? Who don't know what Iran want? Do u really think Iran's authority will so stupid that just buy one or two nukes? What about these nukes be consumed? The what they can do? Even Russia and China don't dare to sell nuke to Iran because they know deeply that if Iran use these nuke to bomb America they are going to be nuked too, that is equal to suiside!

Originally posted by Chezz
Secondly, if they truly were rushing to build a bomb or bombs, don't you think they (the Irainians) know what would happen to them in turn? Don't you think they haven't thought about that? If they nuked Isreal, don't you think THEY KNOW that they in turn would be nuked? Do you think Iran WANTS to be nuked?

Yes, Iran won't be such stupid to nuke Israel directly or nuke US. Throw nuke each other is not they want, all they want just is they can do some thing as kidnap, hijack, control oil price and so on but no castigation because they have nuke.

Originally posted by Chezz
Thirdly......We (the US) ARE GOING TO INVADE Iran. But not because they're working to build a bomb. It's all about the oil, and because Iran isn't going along with the program as far as the NWO goes. Can't have that. They need to tow the line. Follow the money trail, and specifically, Irans banking system.

No one get you wrong! Others are stupid but only you are so clever, America do not invade Veneruela that a such closer oil country but such far country as Iran for oil. Do you know what is a biggest export oil country for US?

Originally posted by Chezz
I do not agree with the Irainian form of government, I'm not a muslim, I'm not a "terrorsist sympathizer", but I don't think Iran is ANYWHERE NEAR as big of a deal in relation to other countries as what they're being made out to be. I know I'm going to get alot of flak for this, but really think about it. Does the "official" position on Iran by the media really make any sense? Really?

All of post rather be said of simple theory than simple brain. All you want just be said you are different with others, yes I will give you: you are different

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:48 PM
One of Iran's ruling cleric's (Rafsanjani), called for the use of nuke's against Israel back in 2001. His claim being that it would only take a couple to completely remove Israel. Where as, Iran being a much larger country, would survive with damages. His thinking, not mine.

Therefore, the deterrent effect of Mutually Assured Destruction seems to be missing from the minds of The Clerics.

There seem's to be a misconception on the phrase 'Nuke Iran'. The only nuke that has been discussed by the Pentagon is a bunkerbusting nuke. Iran has built some of their facilities so deep, that no conventional weapon can destroy them. If we seriously go after their nuke program then we will need to destroy these facilities. And since the detonation will happen underground, the radiation will be contained ( for the most part).

Iran could just have Russia enrich their Uranium for the power plant and avoid this whole nasty episode. Why they won't, I think spells out their intentions.

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:53 PM
Alot of you seem to be dangerously underestimating the insanity of these guys. If they say they are going to wipe Israeil off the map and are then believed to be tryting to develop nuclear weapons then i`m pretty worried. I am a pretty liberal guy and can`t stand Bush and what he stands for. But Iran to me seems to be a serious threat to the region at least more so than Iraq was so i think we should take that president out and remove the dictatorship.

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