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Australian 'smart cards'

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posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 03:11 AM

"The Australian government is working on a proposal to deploy smart cards to millions of citizens under a project to slash administrative costs and crack down on identity theft."

I first heard about this on the news in which John Howard said they aren't national i.d cards because they aren't compulsory.

But it was later said in four years you won't be able to access any government services with out them!
Seems a bit like the 'mark of the beast', with it being a choice and being used to access government benefits.

[edit on 033030p://11043 by The Anti Chris]

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by The Anti Chris

"The Australian government is working on a proposal to deploy smart cards to millions of citizens under a project to slash administrative costs and crack down on identity theft."

They have been trying to bring it in for at least the past ten years,every now and then we hear a news comment on it,kind of like testing the water.Its on the news right now as i`m typing.

I first heard about this on the news in which John Howard said they aren't national i.d cards because they aren't compulsory.

Yes but we all know it will one day become compulsory.As with the rest of the world.

But it was later said in four years you won't be able to access any government services with out them!

that`ll be right

Seems a bit like the 'mark of the beast', with it being a choice and being used to access government benefits.

I`d say your on the money,though can see when the ID card is made redundent and replaced with the verichip or similar.

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 03:47 AM
I'm not sure that the liberal party will actually be able to pass it as labour seems to be opposed and old johnny practically commited political suicide with the Industrial reforms.

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by The Anti Chris
old johnny practically commited political suicide with the Industrial reforms.

But he didnt, did he? The Libs have the majority in the senate and can do what the lorry they like & as for Barnaby Joyce crossing the floor, well he sure didnt do much for IR, Barnaby Joyce has already shown he is spinless and he is the only one who actually has the deciding vote & the good ole Family First party handed the Liberal govt on a silver platter the issue of student unions.

THIS is definitely a concern.

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 04:43 AM
G'day fella's,

Please refer to my post titled " Australia signs up to New World Order in exchange for paying off it debt",

It will explain some things about what's going on in the mind of Johnny Howard and where and why he is taking Australia down the toilet tube with him.

Melbourne Militia

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 04:49 AM
can you provide the link to it?
that would be great, thanks

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 05:17 AM
yeah mate,

heres the link, hope it helps ya

see ya round


posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 05:46 AM
Yes the Australian government has sold the rest of us all out unfortunately, its the same with any other country, our 2 party system is corrupt all the way to the top....

So many things make me sick about what is happening in our country, and also what our once lucky country is doing on the worldwide scale....

On the bright side, Australia and New Zealand are the best places to survive a nuclear armageddon....just head to the east coast, inland 100 km's, 300km's from any major city, and at least 200 metres above sea level....

Food, shelter and protection are up to you.....

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 06:06 AM
wow bones...that is really weird... I have always lived above sea level

why I would do that is pretty weird but alway really adamant where I will live and where I wont...

very true though Bones, to anyone who is living below sea level....move

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by DrBones666
Yes the Australian government has sold the rest of us all out unfortunately, its the same with any other country, our 2 party system is corrupt all the way to the top....

So many things make me sick about what is happening in our country, and also what our once lucky country is doing on the worldwide scale....

On the bright side, Australia and New Zealand are the best places to survive a nuclear armageddon....just head to the east coast, inland 100 km's, 300km's from any major city, and at least 200 metres above sea level....

Food, shelter and protection are up to you.....

Awesome my town fits perfectly.

We need the Governor general to step in and do his job.
It's the only way, though i'm sure he's in on all this N.W.O stuff as well.

[edit on 013030p://13041 by The Anti Chris]

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 07:36 PM
And im not so sure the labour party wouldnt head down this path themselves if they got the chance, they may argue about it now but that is only 'playing the game'. We really do need some fresh faces in politics. I was so disappointed to see Peter Garrett join a major party and then start parrotting the party line whenever being interviewed.

Back on topic there have been some interesting moves of late..the new american ambassador to Australia is a former skull and bones man appointed by george bush(though this is on hold at the moment). Freemason shapes in the layout of Canberra and underground tunnels. Little Johnny lying to the Australian public every chance he gets and getting away with it . Oh well time to go bush and stay under the radar for awhile?

posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 05:31 AM
update... the smart card will only contain medicare, immunisation and concession details... yeah right!!!??

oh and as for the govt being divided... bah! I had email update from Findlaw with link to article only yesterday that waffled on about the benefits of this card!
deleted it, but will get it again and post...

ELEANOR HALL: The Federal Government remains divided over a plan to introduce a national "smart card" to crack down on Medicare and welfare fraud.

The card would contain a photograph and a computer chip containing the person's Medicare number, concession status and immunisation data.

It would not include a tax file number or identity card information such as a fingerprint, but that hasn't stemmed civil liberties concerns and the suggestion that it would be a de facto national ID card.

In Canberra, Alexandra Kirk reports.


edit: found it...this is from the Privacy Commissioner


So the propaganda has already started

oh good ole Jonnie changed his mind about the ID cards whilst in UK after the terrorist bombings...

[edit on 29-4-2006 by NJE777]

[edit on 29-4-2006 by NJE777]

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 11:49 PM
Yes indeed, after the MI6 "terrorist" bombings......

To be honest I was incredibly suprised that Johnny didn't pull the same thing at the Commonwealth Games, no matter, I'm sure he will soon enough....

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 08:06 AM
You know whats the best part

I have just had to sit through a propaganda video on the advantages of the smart card which supposedly has no disadvantages.

Some of the well thought out points for using the smart card were:

It's going to replace money in 25 years(supposedly)
It's not going away so you better get used to it.
I.D theft will not be possible as the government will be the only ones with machines that can read them(ooh i feel safer already.)

So now to lessen the impact of smart cards the "egalitarian"
government is showing smart card videos in schools.

Another way of showing the advantages of having a smart card was where they organised a 'race' where one contest had $100 cash(Some unfit t.v host) and the other(olympic swimmer susie o'neill) had to run through town to obstacles, all of which whould coincidentally only accept smart cards, then they had to use a payphone(The t.v host had $100 in notes by the way which meant he had to detour to the bank ) which also accepted smart cards then they had to go to the pool and swim laps.
I say that was the fairest race in the world

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 07:20 PM
Smartcards will get more powerful. Some native American communities require a person's DNA to be digitally encoded for proof of tribal affiliation to access rheir rihjts of heritage. You give a DNA sample and it's recorded at multiple identifier points along the strand "of who you are". These data-points kinda like a finger print are checked at matching points yielding not only the tribal identity but individual identity which is even scarier. The ponts are converter to a digital representation and encoded into the smartcard chip.

Honest I kid you not. these sheilas are in production and in use right now individually cataloging and indexing human beings DNA. Go see for yourselves. It's a product of DNAToday Genetic Information Systems they are at:

Talk about your mark of The Beast. Use this with an implantable chip as a reference control datum and there we are - boom, the ultimate database with multiple layer "security". Most scary indeed.

I hope and I'm pretty sure Aus will do OK. Some verifiable means of ID is inevitable I suppose. Throw a bit of "charcoal-chicky" on the grill for me!


Victor K.

[edit on 12-5-2006 by V Kaminski]

posted on May, 13 2006 @ 12:38 AM
That's ridiculous.
They're using technology that can't even guarantee you that you're part of their tribe.

But it seems that it isn't mandatory

DNA is like a miracle tool – it can work for your tribe in many ways. In the final analysis, each tribe must make their own decisions about how to use this to answer their questions.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by The Anti Chris
.D theft will not be possible as the government will be the only ones with machines that can read them(ooh i feel safer already.)

When a new computer program comes out on the market, how long does it take find a cracked version of it?

When a new anti-piracy technque is developed fo coping DVDs, how long does that take to be broken?

Within a couple of days.

There is no way these machines will only be held by the govenment.

I agree with the poster above that it is not just Johnny and his clansmen but the entire govenment.


posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 08:49 PM
ID Card: Privacy Foundation says proposal is worse than Australia Card

Chair of the Australian Privacy Foundation (APF), Anna Johnston has said
the Commonwealth Government's so-called 'Access Card' proposal "is a
national ID card, plain and simple".

Findlaw Article

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 04:39 AM

ID Card: ANAO Internet Security report raises Smartcard concerns - Labor

The Shadow Minister for Public Accountability and Human Services, Kelvin
Thomson, said the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) report into
Internet Security in Australian Government Agencies raises serious
concerns about Minister Hockey's Smartcard project.

No doubt, even though various watchdogs are coming out voicing concern... good ole Jonnie will go ahead with it anyway...just like the GST.


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