posted on Apr, 28 2006 @ 02:22 AM
One can make a million weapons but the bottom line is maintaining them. Their is your cost CHINA. They will run through oil so fast that most of the
world will eventually attack them for building a massive army. To me me massive armies are easy to defeat. I think it was Saddam who had the great 1
million man man army, and he boasted that a war with him would be the mother of all battles. That was the first Iraqi war. Too bad nobody designed a
structure for victory after Kuwait. Remember his river of fire?! Complete idiocy. I still can't figure why they never thought a military vehicle
would absorb heat in the dessert and glow all night long. What a Turkey shoot. We even cut off their ability to flank or suppy! They just sat around
wondering why everybody was dead and nobody heard a jet or tank........nothing. Good old stealth. The second war with Saddam was a simple straight
line with a northern left flank. We just blasted by every little city and went straight to the source! I admit it's nutville over there now, but our
army are not social workers. They performed perfectly and there in no Iraqi army. Eventually we will leave either with a happy wave or screams of
revenge. The bottom line is we have been working hard on the concept of a small yet very deadly army etc,. Right over Chinas shoulders is Iran. I
think they had better start thinking about just who is the threat over there. Lots of people are getting pretty upset with the BS from Iran, N. Korea,
China and idiotic Russia. We have been preparing for war with all of these countries for decades and not just one or two, but all of them at once.
Even if China defeated America China knows there are Nuclear American subs that will attack them a whole year later. Now, exactly how is China going
to defeat a country that has more or less created their ability to create free markets? They are really screwed if they attack Taiwan. Thats like
blowing up the bank that loans you cash. Big armies are a waste of time. Just as with Japan, China may become powerful, but who cares? It is freedom
and creative interest that makes one powerful. There are no Beatles or or all too much of anything which would bring an interest to the world. So far,
capitalism is the reason the world loves America. Hate it or not, we are creators of fresh ideas. By the way a warning from China or Russia to leave
Iran alone is a joke. Israel will probably do the honors of wasting Iran, and China and Russia will NOT do one crazy thing. If they do, they will be
destroyed by a Superpower which is a Superpower because of all of the threats we recieved from the USSR & CHINA since WW2. Take my word for it, we are
not fools, just ask Russia. We forced them to break their own bank on weapons. Thats how clever we are.