posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 12:19 PM
I had an odd dream last night that doesn't make much sense. I guess it is expected for dreams to be odd, but I thought this one was more so than
For some reason I was visiting some people that I didn't recognize some where way up North. Most of the time we were sitting around inside trying to
stay warm. I mentioned that I would be getting dark soon and I wanted to go out and see the stars. (I live in a big city an the lights make it hard to
see the stars.) I got bundled up and made my way outside. Sure enough I could se a beautiful sunset. There were just a few clouds and the sun-light
coming through the clouds looked really nice.
It dawned on me that since we were so far north, the sun would only stay down for a few min before it started coming back up again. This made me a
little sad but I was still excited as I the last rays of sunlight started disappearing. The stars were appearing gradually and soon the whole sky was
filled with beautiful bright stars. I was just admiring them when I noticed the moon...It was bright red! It looked really odd and it startled me.
Now here's the oddest part. As the sun started to rise again I found myself looking down on the top of the earth from space. The earth started
wobbling like a top that was out of balance. It did this several times (maybe 3 or 4 times) and then straightened up again.
Any ideas what this could mean? It wasn't a scary dream, just odd.