posted on Apr, 29 2006 @ 03:27 PM
In Australia, we have propaganda posing as news. Hardly surprising, given the outrageously monopolistic media here (Murdoch even poses as an Aussie).
For example, mid-newscast, we are informed that the State government is spending X millions of dollars on the railway system to provide tunnels and
exits to be used 'in the event of terrorist attack'.
We are clouted with 'terrorist' propaganda, such as the government paid (meaning public paid) commercials advising us to contact this or that number
and/or authority 'immediately' if we 'see anything suspicious': all clearly intended to programme people to seeing terrorists everywhere; to
developing a 'terrorist' mentality.
We seem to be inundated with 'disaster' movies and supposed documentaries, concerning tsunamis, hurricanes, parched-earth and other end-of-world
scenarios ... just to ramp up the fear and anxiety factor.
We are treated to this or that 'expert', who insist we're in immediate danger from global-warming, rising sea-levels, etc., all of which is clearly
intended to persuade us to accept without protest the unleashing on our land of whatever native peoples they believe just might be able to trigger the
'race riots' our US/Illuminati master so desperately wish to thrust upon this country ---- because even with migrants now comprising roughly 50
percent of our population, they (zionists) believe Oz is 'still too White', the way the newly appointed jewish BBC programme manager in UK insisted
a few years ago that The Bill and other programmes 'are too White and need to be coloured up'.
And of course there's the constant news coverage(including politicians) which portrays muslim 'terrorists' as a fact and as being beyond doubt
responsible not only for 9/11 but for the current war in Iraq ! The war in Iraq is always portrayed as a 'just' war: as something the West was
reluctantly forced into and is 'heroically' fighting.
The same media never fails to mention Israeli deaths by 'Palestinian suicide bombers', but fails almost entirely (apart from the odd doco by Pilger)
to show the reverse of the coin, i.e., the deaths inflicted upon Palestinians by Israelis.
Other propaganda includes the publicised litigation and other mouthing off by the Jewish community against anyone who dares question their motives
here and abroad and pushes the 'thou shalt not be racist' message mercilessly. Yet a little news flash about 'Jew Only' dating services in Oz a
few years ago was immediately deep-sixed.
And who could fail to notice the proliferation of advertisements containing blatant Chemtrails? It's become almost obligatory within news stories
and commericals. There they are, those in-your-face broad white streaks in an otherwise blue sky. All part of the brain-washing of the public (and
particularly younger people) into accepting that man-made 'clouds' and Chemtrails are part of our sunburned lifestyle.
Flashing numbers and symbols within commercials, often accompanied by rhythmic, pulsing beat. Artfully designed pyramids and seeing-eye logos, either
in the upper left of the screen or moving gracefully about. Yes, thank goodness for the Off button.