posted on Apr, 24 2006 @ 12:19 PM
okay lets say that bush theoretically gets impeached. No need for celebration folks, the ship has reached the point of no return. I can understand
that Bush isnt the best leader (he's a liar for one, he got caught lying secondly) for this country but shouldnt we let him attempt to clean up his
own mess considering its already been made? Bush is getting so much pressure from all sides right now that he doesnt even have the ability to be that
much of a threat anymore.. Bush is waiting on an excuse to start a war, and I garuntee he wont start one without a good one this time. Lets just
wait and see what Iran does.
Lets just hope that any new leader we get doesnt bend over backwards to the needs of the extreme left. I would hate to see a war on our soils because
we put our guard down infront of the people who are, in my opinion, the enemy in regards to a free world.