posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 08:22 AM
In my opinion, I do believe their was a third shooter. I honestly don't think Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold could have planned this on their own. I bet
anything that someone helped them in the shooting and teach them to make their own guns and pipe bombs that had no flaws. I mean how did they know how
to make their guns and pipe bombs so easily with no supposed help? The only flaw was when the shooting occurred their pipe bombs wouldn't go off in
the cafeteria. I mean how could they plan this between just the two of them, it just doesn't seem possible? Another thing is if their are three
shooters from eye-witness reports why does news only state and claim two shooters? Also how is it possible that either Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold be
in two places at once? This Columbine Conspiracy leaves me with more questions then answers. It shows that this is a cover-up and they make the
necessary precautions to keep everybody on the same story and make sure unwanted statements go unheard of, government is good at doing that. I just
sometimes wish the truth would be known rather then hiding it under a rug like it doesn't exist.
edit on 2014/29/6 by A1PHAW0LF because: I
accidently deleted my opinion on what I wrote after I posted it so I had to edit it.