posted on Oct, 25 2002 @ 03:55 PM
There's only one that could push me over that edge, BT, and unless you are the psycho-bitch from Hell that I was married to, that sold my
pewter weissen bier glasses without even giving me first dibs, you aren't the one that can do it.
I'm sorry, only left-wing biase is to be considered the truth? Anyway, I warned that the link was to an editorial, didn't I? Conservatives do not
use "news" to push an agenda and opine only in the proper sections of the newspaper. It is the left-tilters that use the newscasts as such
brainwashing techniques.
As I said before, the "center" is the KJV 1611, the Articles of Confederation, the constitution and the Bill of Rights. Therefore, I am a centrist
and hereby take command of that term. You may no longer use it as you are not with me. You may either call yourself a liberal or a misguided poo-poo